The Consequences of Psychoactive Substance Abuse: Seeking Support for a Healthier Life

2023-07-21 20:01:24
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psychoactive substances are those that affect the central nervous system and can alter perception, mood, cognition and behavior. The use of these substances, like illegal drugs and prescription drug abuse, can have serious consequences for physical and mental health. We’ll look at some worrying figures related to psychoactive substances and highlight the importance of reaching out for support and leaving this dangerous path behind.

consumption of psychoactive substances It can have devastating health consequences. Illegal drugs, such as cocaine, heroin, and cannabis, can cause irreparable damage to the nervous system, heart, liver, and other vital organs. Additionally, the abuse of prescription drugs, such as opioids, can lead to addiction, overdose, and in some cases, death.

The consumption of these substances not only affects individuals, but also society as a whole. Drug abuse is associated with high crime rates, domestic violence, car accidents, and performance problems at work or school. They also have a significant impact on the mental health of consumers. Many substances alter brain chemistry, which can lead to mental disorders such as depression, anxiety, psychosis, and schizophrenia. In addition, substance abuse can affect a person’s cognitive ability and daily functioning.

Las psychoactive substances They have different forms of classification:

According to its origin (natural or synthetic)
According to your legal situation (legal or illegal)
According to its pharmacological action
According to its danger
According to its chemical structure
According to the effects on the central nervous system

The World Health Organization (WHO) chooses to group them according to their effects on the central nervous system as depressants, stimulants, and hallucinogenic/psychedelic.

Stimulants: These are drugs that accelerate the activity of the central nervous system causing euphoria, disinhibition, less emotional control, irritability, aggressiveness, less fatigue, decreased sleep, motor excitement, restlessness. This group includes cocaine, caffeine, amphetamine-type stimulants and most synthetic substances and new psychoactive substances.
Depressants: Are those that decrease or delay the functioning of the central nervous system. They produce alteration of the concentration and sometimes of the judgment; they diminish the appreciation of external stimuli and cause relaxation, a feeling of well-being, sedation, apathy and a decrease in tension. Alcohol, barbiturates, tranquilizers and opium and its derivatives (morphine, codeine, heroin, methadone), solvents, are considered depressant drugs.
Hallucinogenic or Psychedelic: They are characterized by their ability to produce distortions in sensations and markedly alter mood and thought processes. They include substances from a wide variety of natural and synthetic sources, and are structurally different. Mushrooms, LSD are included.
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From the EPS Famisanar they are concerned about the unfortunate consequences that the use of this type of substance can cause, for this reason they make an explanation of the most consumed substances and the effects that can be derived from that consumption

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What are the most consumed substances in Colombia?

Las psychoactive substances The most frequently consumed illicit drugs are marijuana and cocaine and its derivatives. There is also misuse of drugs such as non-prescription benzodiazepines and hydrocarbon-derived inhalants such as glues.

In the health:

Increases the probability of developing diseases
Mental health changes
Chronic diseases (cirrhosis, lung diseases, among others)
Disability and death.

In the quality of life:

Injuries generated by episodes of violence or crime
accident rate
Breach of responsibilities.

At the family level:

emotional instability
economic instability
Unpredictable emotional reactions (violence and aggression)

In any case, the consumption of psychoactive substances It is harmful to the health and environment of any person who makes the unfortunate decision to consume them, taking into account the study of mortality associated with the consumption of psychoactive substances in Colombia between the period 2013 and 2020, 28,541 deaths associated with drug consumption were identified, taking into account that they presented positive toxicology results associated with psychoactive substances. The main substances found were alcohol, cocaine and marijuana.

Las psychoactive substances They pose a significant threat to people’s health and well-being. The data reveals the extent of drug use around the world and its negative consequences. Meeting the challenge of quitting psychoactive substances requires courage and determination, but support is available from the EPS Famisanar. By seeking help and leaving drug use behind, you can build a healthier, fuller, and more satisfying life. Do not wait any longer, the time to seek support and take control of your life is now.

#Drug #Colombia #devastating #effects #body

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