The connection between the beatings of the ex-husband and Zavorotnyuk’s disease is revealed

Oncologist Denis Khailenko assessed the possible impact of the beatings of his ex-husband on the formation of an aggressive brain tumor in actress Anastasia Zavorotnyuk.

Another of her former life partners, Olaf Schwarzkopf, spoke about them. According to him, the ex-husband of actress Dmitry Stryukov was a tyrant. He forbade Anastasia to work and raised his hand against her.

“The consequences turned out to be deplorable: systematic beatings could also cause the development of a brain tumor in the artist, as well as difficult childbirth,” said a German businessman.

Denis Khaylenko explained that he could not confirm direct connection the appearance of glioblastoma and the beatings that the actress received.

“You will not find a direct relationship. Only indirect. But the stress after the experience could well affect it, ” the expert said.

Earlier, oncologist Vladimir Filimonov noted that Zavorotnyuk had to start treatment much earlier. After all, she had anxiety symptoms 10 years ago.

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