The Congolese Community of Gabon commemorates the dead and survivors of the war in the East –

DRC Ambassador to Gabon, François Luambo and other diplomats during the commemoration of the dead of the East in Libreville

To pay tribute to the dead and survivors of the Congolese genocide, to denounce the systematic plundering of resources but also and above all to rekindle the patriotic flame at a time when their country continues to suffer the horrors of a “cowardly and unjust aggression” on the part of its neighbor, Rwanda.

The Congolese diaspora in Gabon commemorated those who disappeared from the war raging in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). During this event of denunciation and awareness which took place on August 2 at the Tropicana Hotel in the northern part of Libreville, the symbolism of mourning through the wearing of black clothing was indeed there. The atmosphere could only be heavy and oppressive.

This is the meaning to be given to the initiative taken by the Embassy of the Democratic Republic of Congo in Gabon which organized a conference debate on the theme: “Congolese Genocost: Genesis, issues and recommendations”.

Quoting the Head of State Felix Tshisekedi, Professor Bikelebieto Wata Felix, the main speaker of the day, did not mince his words in tracing the genesis of this devastating conflict in the presence of a fine array of ambassadors, accredited diplomats and in front of the Congolese community which mobilized for the occasion.

« All the misfortunes of the Congolese date back to August 2, 1998; this date marks the birth of an insurrection in the East of the DR Congo, which subsequently took on extreme proportions and revealed its true face as the deadliest aggression in the history of the DR Congo on the part of its neighbor Rwanda through its M23 auxiliaries. ” he explained.

Concerning the stakes, these are unfortunately antagonistic according to the protagonists. Selected excerpts: ” This is genocost materialized by massive killings for economic interests; it is a war of occupation, predation and pillaging of strategic minerals, notably the 3 Ts (coltan, tantalite, tungsten) and other natural resources of the DRC which benefits a chain of actors playing the role of puppeteers headed by Rwanda, Western criminal and business groups. ” said the lecturer professor straight away.

Before adding: “Solution country facing the major current challenges of humanity including the fight against global warming, the energy transition and food self-sufficiency, The DRC is developing all resilience mechanisms and is working to fight to bring back peace at any cost because without peace, there is no development.”

In its line, the DRC fights with strategies such as the revision of mining contracts, the transformation against the backdrop of local industrialization supported by a discourse inviting everyone to move away from the option of smuggling marked by blood minerals towards a logic of win-win partnership while respecting the lives of the Congolese.

As a highlight of this emotional commemoration, the DRC ambassador François Luambo, as a good diplomat, calmed the spirits in these terms: “We must continue to negotiate; three (03) days ago, we were in Luanda with President Jao Laurenço for the holding of the 2th ministerial meeting on the security and peace situation in the DRC with the Ceasefire as highlights; the plan for neutralizing the FDLR and the plan for disengagement of troops; the negotiators should meet around August 15th.

Besides Libreville, let us note that the entire Congolese diaspora scattered across the world (Brussels, Paris, London, etc.) has stepped up to the plate and taken ownership of this commemoration of the dead in the East and the survivors.

In this mobilization, Congolese opinion as a whole pins the international community, which it accuses of inaction, complicity and a logic of double standards, resulting in the spontaneous mobilization in favor of the dead from the spaces of the wealthy, which contrasts with the indifference to the dead in the DRC. It bluntly denounces duplicity in the form of “double standards.”

Antoine Relaxes

2024-08-07 08:45:48
#Congolese #Community #Gabon #commemorates #dead #survivors #war #East



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