“The conditions were extreme, we heard on the radio about a person overboard” – How the 40-year-old sailor died – 2024-07-09 23:59:38

The 40-year-old was a crew member on one of the sailboats taking part in the Aegean 600 race, when under unknown circumstances, she and another person found themselves at sea.

The crews from the other boats listened to the progress of the operation on the radios contemplation of individuals and what exactly was going on.

Tragedy in Karpathos: He tried to open the sail and fell into the sea

The dramatic appeals over the radios for the sailor who lost her life

“As the forecasts said at that point between Kasos and Karpathos, in the Carpathians, we knew that we would expect very difficult conditions, so the preparation of both the crew and the captains of each boat should be corresponding. The conditions were even more difficult than we expected, it was 45 to 60 knots of wind, which requires a lot of attention.

“We heard the incident on the radio, that there is a person in the sea, all the planned movements were made, the signal was sent, the mechanism was immediately mobilized, the conditions became difficult. “We listened to the operation as it developed, the signal was given from the sea, we listened to the people from the helicopter and the radio”, said Konstantinos Antonopoulos.

And he went on to say that “the conditions were extreme.” When asked if the race should have been stopped due to the conditions, Mr. Antonopoulos explained that the crew of each boat does what it wants, chooses whether to continue or stop.

“The race has nothing to do with whether it continues, at any moment any boat can do whatever it wants, abandon, change sails, etc. What they teach us is “safety first”, they tell us “we don’t care regarding the race, the equipment, as long as no one is in danger”, concluded Mr. Antonopoulos.

The announcement of the organizing authority regarding the tragic event

The organizing authority of the Aegean 600 was charged with the incident, which resulted in the death of the 40-year-old French woman.

“Extremely strong melt currents in the Carpathian Sea hampered the Aegean 600 fleet, which circumnavigates the Aegean in a non-stop 600 nautical mile route, resulting in 14 boats abandoning the race.

Unfortunately, the adverse weather conditions resulted in the death of a 40-year-old French citizen from the HEAVEN boat, northwest of Kasos. The 40-year-old was found in the sea with a serious blow to the head and efforts to revive her were unsuccessful.

The entire sailing family and especially the organizers express their deep regret for the incident”, the relevant announcement states.

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