The composition of the new government was announced

Center-right Jean-Noel Barot, from the MoDem party, takes over the foreign ministry, while Antoine Armand, from the French president’s party, takes over the economy ministry.

Sebastian Lecorniu remains in the Ministry of the Military. Benjamin Haddad, also from President Macron’s party, was appointed deputy minister for Europe, as was the new government spokeswoman, Mont Breseon. The vice-president of the Republican party, Anik Genevar, took over the Ministry of Agriculture, while Rashida Dati remained in the Ministry of Culture.

Among the names circulating are

– Brino Retagio, Interior

– Genevieve Drariesek, Health

– Sébastien Lecorny, Armed Forces. He remains in his position from the previous government.

– Dinier Migo, Justice

– Mont Brezeon, government representative from Macron’s party.

– Rashida Dati, Culture, remains in her seat.

– Antoine Armand, Economy, from the party of the French president.

– Ani Genevard, Georgia. He is the vice president of the Republican party.

– Jean-Noel Barot, Foreign Affairs. Plans for a centre-right minister from the MoDem party

– Laurent Garrier, Consumer Affairs

– Benjamin Haddad, Undersecretary for Europe, also from President Macron’s party

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