The Complete Guide to Methandrostenolone: Uses, Risks, and Effects

2023-12-27 22:37:41


Methandrostenolone General IUPAC Name CAS No. 72-63-9 EINECS No. 200-787-2 ATC Code A14AA03 SMILES InChI Chemical Properties Raw Formula C20H28O2
Mass (The term mass is used to designate two quantities attached to a…) molar 300.4351 ± 0.0186 g·mol-1 Physical properties Melting temperature (In physics and metallurgy, fusion is the passage of a body from the solid state to the state…) 166 °C Data (In information technology (IT), data is an elementary description, often…) pharmacokinetic Metabolism (Metabolism is the set of molecular and energetic transformations…) Liver (The liver is an odd and asymmetrical abdominal organ, housed in humans in…) Half-life (The half-life is the time taken by a substance (drug , radioactive core, or others) for…) to eliminate. 4.5 to 6 hours (The hour is a unit of measurement:) Excretion Urine (Urine is a biological liquid composed of waste from the body. Urine is…) SI & CNTP units, except indication (An indication (from the Latin indicare: to indicate) is advice or a recommendation, written…) contrary.

Methandrostenolone (Dianabol, DBOL) is an anabolic steroid (Anabolic steroids, also known as steroids…), developed by John Ziegler and marketed by the pharmaceutical laboratory Ciba in 1958. It was used by bodybuilding practitioners until its ban in many countries (Country comes from the Latin pagus which designated a territorial and tribal subdivision of extent…) and by numerous organizations. There is no longer any legal production in the United States and Western Europe. This is the direction in which…) but the product continues to be manufactured and marketed in Mexico under the name Reforvit-b, in Russia and in Thailand. It thus ends up on the black market in other countries.

Several top athletes and professional bodybuilders have admitted to using methandrostenolone for long periods before it was banned. This is particularly the case of Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sergio Oliva. Despite its ban, many athletes continue to use this molecule illegally to develop their muscle mass.

Methandrostenolone does not react strongly with the androgen receptor, its role being more direct. It acts in particular by dramatically increasing protein synthesis (Protein synthesis is the act by which a cell assembles a chain…), calcium fixation (Calcium is a chemical element, symbol Ca and atomic number 20.), glycogenolysis and muscle strength over a short space of time (Time is a concept developed by being human to understand the…). However, due to its mode of action, it reduces respiration. At high doses (30 mg or more per day), side effects such as gynecomastia, high blood pressure, acne, acne (inflammatory skin disease) of the follicles…) and male pattern baldness may begin to occur. The drug causes serious masculinizing effects in women, even at low doses. In addition, it is metabolized to estradiol by aromatase. This means that, without the administration of aromatase inhibitors such as anastrozole or aminoglutethimide, the estrogenic effects appear over time. time in men. Users can combat estrogenic side effects with Nolvadex or Proviron. Additionally, as with other 17 α-alkylated steroids, use of methandrostenolone over extended periods of time may result in irreversible liver damage without proper monitoring.

In the early 1960s, doctors in the United States commonly prescribed one methandrostenolone tablet per day to women. as a tonic. This use was quickly abandoned following the discovery of the strongly masculinizing effects of the steroid (Steroids constitute a group of lipids derived from triterpenoids…). However, despite the absence of any known therapeutic application, the product remained legal until the early 1990s. The ban on methandrostenolone by the FDA has not completely succeeded in eliminating its use by bodybuilders and it continues to be used illegally to this day, most often associated with medications that react strongly with the androgen receptor, such as oxandrolone, to increase the overall effectiveness of steroid use.

The presence of a methyl radical at 17-α allows methandrostenolone to pass through the liver without being degraded (but causing liver damage) and be absorbed orally. It also has a low affinity for sex hormone-binding globulin, a protein which by binding steroids prevents them from acting on hormone receptors. As a result, methandrostenolone is significantly more active than an equivalent quantity of testosterone (Testosterone is a steroid hormone, from the group of androgens. In…), leading to rapid growth of muscle tissue. However, the concomitant elevation in estrogen levels – a consequence of methandrostenolone aromatization – significantly results in water retention. (Water is a ubiquitous chemical compound on Earth, essential for all… ). This gives the appearance of a large gain in muscle mass, which is very temporary and will disappear once the steroid is stopped and the water is eliminated. Also, it is often used by bodybuilders only at the beginning of a “steroid cycle”, in order to facilitate rapid increases in strength (The word strength can refer to mechanical power over things, and also, metaphorically, a …) and apparent muscle development, while compounds such as nandrolone or long-acting testosterone will increase anabolic functions in the body in a sustained manner.

#Methandrostenolone #Definition #Explanations

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