The complaint against Alberto Fernández for hitting Fabiola Yañez reached the New York Times

August 16, 2024 – 1:35 p.m.

The former president was charged on Thursday with “minor and serious injuries, doubly aggravated, and coercive threats.” The international press analyzed the case.

The complaint for gender violence made by Fabiola Yanez against his ex-partner and former president of the Nation, Alberto Fernandez, The scandal has escalated into an international spotlight and now the world’s media is focusing on it: the New York Times, one of the most important newspapers in the world, reported on the case and analysed the legal indictment.

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The prestigious US media published this Friday a note titled “the former president of Argentina He is accused of beating the first ladyIn it, the newspaper points out that “the accusations became known when investigators found photos of Yáñez with a black eye and an injured arm on the phone of Fernández’s former secretary. That phone was being analyzed in an investigation into an alleged embezzlement plot, in which prosecutors are also seeking to have charges filed.”

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news-article__figure figure"> Following the filing of the briefs and the indictment, at least 9 instances of violence became known.
news-article__figure figure"> Tamara Petinatto broke the silence after the scandal with Alberto Fernández.

The text, made by journalists Jack Nicas y Daniel Police, the management of the Frente de Todos during the mandate is analyzed and the former vice president is mentioned, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner. They claim that the presidential administration “was mired in a deepening economic crisis,” which made him “deeply unpopular.”

The New York Times’ view of the FdT government and the complaint against Fernández

In the article, the American journalists warn of “the policies of his government to try to boost Argentina’s economy and currency, printing more Argentine pesos, delaying huge debt payments and creating a byzantine set of monetary rules, contributed to Argentina sinking into the crisis in 2022″.

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Alberto Fernandez with Fabiola Yañez.

Alberto Fernandez with Fabiola Yañez.

For the New York Times, the accusations of violence “have dominated the national conversation in Argentina“in recent days and the former president faced “condemnation from across the political spectrum.”

More chats of Fabiola Yañez against Alberto Fernández were revealed: “Knowing that I could be pregnant, he kicked me in the stomach”

Blows, abuse and even kicks to the belly while she could be pregnant, are some of the shocking revelations that were known this Thursday about what the former first lady, Fabiola Yañez, experienced during her stay with Alberto Fernández at the Quinta de Olivos.

“I tell you this with great tears. He knows I could be pregnant and he still hit me. I don’t know what else to say or who to hold on to.”was, perhaps, the phrase of Yanez stronger than they met this Thursday from the conversation that the Alberto Fernandez’s secretary, Maria Canterowhich is currently being analyzed by the courts.

The media outlet Infobae published Thursday unknown parts of the conversation that uncovered the gender violence that Fabiola Yañez allegedly suffered from former President Alberto Fernández. The chat that was released reveals an intimate relationship between the two women, where Yañez was able to tell what she was suffering and how Cantero tried to “restrain” her.



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