“The commune of Parempuyre is not bankrupt, it is defamation”, according to mayor Béatrice de François

2024-03-07 10:18:26

Obviously, the vote on the 2024 budget within a month will not only make people happy. Indeed, the municipality, whose population has just passed the symbolic bar of 10,000 inhabitants, will have to finalize delicate decisions. Benjamin Dervieux, finance assistant, made no secret of it, Tuesday March 5, during the budgetary guidelines report…

Obviously, the vote on the 2024 budget within a month will not only make people happy. Indeed, the municipality, whose population has just passed the symbolic bar of 10,000 inhabitants, will have to finalize delicate decisions. Benjamin Dervieux, finance assistant, made no secret of it on Tuesday March 5 during the budgetary guidelines report. General charges (electricity, gas, fuel, supplies) are always impacted by high energy prices. Personnel costs must also take into account the revaluation (over the full year) of agent remuneration, a national decision without financial compensation from the State. Added to this are new recruitments and the plan to reduce precarious employment. Regarding investments, Parempuyre must pay the first tranche of participation in the cost of the Fongravey intercommunal swimming pool (forecast of 1.05 million in the 2024 budget).

Elected officials from the opposition group say they are worried about the City’s finances.

O. D.

Benjamin Dervieux recognizes that the sequence of crises since 2022 and the decline in certain revenues (State grants, Departmental aid, transfer taxes, etc.) have led to a deterioration in self-financing capacity, a driving force on investments . The gross savings rate, an indicator of the good health of a community, should therefore decrease to around 6%. The medium-term objective is 10%. “We will have to make decisions. This will be the subject of the 2024 budget vote,” warned the deputy.


Opposition elected official Jean-Marc Farthouat says he is worried. Because according to his calculations, the City’s debt reduction capacity (forecast of 9.9 years) would be underestimated. Also pointing out the erosion of self-financing, he questions the ability to invest between now and the end of the mandate. Knowing that the renovation of the municipal technical center (CTM) and participation in the construction of the swimming pool will already mobilize 2 million. “When we have to give ourselves room for maneuver, there will not be 36 solutions. It will either be a brutal cut in operations, a reduction in staff numbers, or an increase in taxes. »

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“The 9.9 years of debt reduction capacity is a forecast,” retorts the finance assistant. The final figures will be presented during the administrative account vote. » As for budgetary responses, “all elements are on the table: reduction in spending, reduction in services to the population, increase [surprise ?, NDLR] recipes. » Without forgetting a possible increase in local tax rates.

Bills and salaries paid

Throughout the debate, the opposition focused on projects dragging on, never entirely completed (such as synthetic fields), equipment in poor condition (L’Art y show space, tennis courts, town hall reception), infiltration of water and pigeons through the roof of the church, etc. However, everyone agrees on the need to (finally) begin the renovation of the CTM. Deploring the “terrible scissor effect” caused by the financial disengagement of the State, Mayor Béatrice de François dismisses the idea of ​​a “bankrupt municipality” put forward by Henri Lagarrigue. “It’s defamation. Today, all bills and salaries are paid. »

#commune #Parempuyre #bankrupt #defamation #mayor #Béatrice #François

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