The commander of the Air Force commented on the downing of the enemy Su-34 and Su-35

The commander of the Air Force of Ukraine Mykola Oleschuk indicated on the map the crash sites of the Russian planes that were destroyed by the Defense Forces in the morning.

As reported by Ukrinform, he informed about this in Telegram.

“In Russia, as always, there are no losses.” Let me remind you that the Su-35S is a single-seater aircraft, the Su-34 is a two-seater. According to radio interception, one pilot was found, the others were “wanted”! Something doesn’t add up here, does it? There is such an international satellite search and rescue system – Cospas-Sarsat. In case of accidents, it notifies about the location of the pilots’ personal radio buoys. As you can see, the system is working! In the photo – as many as four Cospas-Sarsat (points on the map) worked – look for “brothers” in these areas! Don’t thank me!” Oleschuk emphasized.

Read also: Ignat – about the destruction of the Russian Su-34 and Su-35: These planes bombarded Ukrainian positions Photo from Mykola Oleshchuk’s Telegram

As reported by Ukrinform, on the morning of February 17 in the eastern direction, units of the Air Force of the Armed Forces destroyed two enemy Su-34 fighter-bombers and one Su-35 fighter.

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