The comedian Chicandier suffering from liver cirrhosis

At 44, the comedian Chicandier announced to be suffering from a liver cirrhosis. It is a severe liver disease consisting of diffuse and irreversible liver damage. As the Obs explains, he thought regarding stopping the scene following this announcement but finally found his balance forced to say goodbye to alcohol definitively. “If you continue you have two years left to live,” warned his doctor. Since 2018, he has made a name for himself by embodying a bon vivant character worn on the bottle. He also played Ordralfabetix in the latest installment of the Adventures of Asterix.

“It’s not nice to hear for his wife, his daughter, his friends…I’m not at the stage of decompensated cirrhosis, I don’t have yellow eyes, but I don’t want to get there. I want to have a family life, to continue my job. So, if I have to stop, I stop, “he confided in an interview with Parisian.

“I am much better: without alcohol”

“This diagnosis was a shock for me. But this health shock, which I take in hand, should not also become a professional shock which forces me to stop my job”, explained the comedian. Undeterred by the discovery of his illness, he announced a new concept called Bacon to live with many guests. “I (wish) the public to understand that I’m not going from ‘I’m a good living’ to ‘I’m going vegan’. It’s not that at all”, assured the stage man. Today, he has already seen the benefits of this sobriety: “I discovered that I knew how to do my job on an empty stomach and that, often, I am much better: without alcohol, we are funniermore lively, more attentive”.



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