The collection of signatures has begun for a ban on shortening the Latvian anthem

The author of the initiative, Jēkab Taranda, notes that the anthem “God Save Latvia” (Dievs, svētī Latviju) is often performed in an abbreviated version (that is, without repetitions) at public events. Meanwhile, the Law “On the National Anthem of Latvia” states that it must be performed according to the notes specified in the annex to the law, that is, with repetitions following 8 and 16 bars.

Taranda also emphasizes that the rules on the order of reproduction of notes and phonograms of the national anthem of Latvia contradict the notes appearing in the annex to the law “On the National Anthem of Latvia”, which allows ignoring repetition marks

On this basis, the dissatisfied Taranda proposes to change this practice and fix these changes in the regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers (on the procedure for playing notes and phonograms of the Latvian national anthem), canceling clause 4, which allows the playback of a short version of the anthem. The anthem should only be performed in its entirety – this, according to the author of the initiative, will allow for respectful and equal treatment of national symbols.

True, Latvians seem to be little concerned regarding this problem. 10 thousand signatures are needed for the initiative to be submitted to the Seimas, but only 76 people signed Taranda’s proposal.

#collection #signatures #begun #ban #shortening #Latvian #anthem
2024-05-07 07:54:46



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