The Cognitive Benefits of Tai Chi: Latest Research Findings

2023-11-25 03:58:37

The benefits that physical activity brings to our health are numerous. Beyond controlling weight, it also decreases the risks of heart disease, promotes healthy aging, improves mood, and even strengthens brain health.

Now, recent research by American scientists suggests that an ancient exercise might be able to delay mild cognitive impairment for a couple of years.

This is tai chi, an ancient discipline originating in China that promotes physical and mental development, as it consists of gentle stretches with breathing and concentration techniques. The idea is that each position leads to the next, without stopping, which means that the person is constantly moving. This activity is often called “meditation in motion.”

It should be noted that mild cognitive impairment results in alterations in memory and thinking, but of less severity than in Alzheimer’s. Some signs of the condition include forgetting to attend scheduled events or meetings, regularly losing items, and difficulty expressing words, according to the site. Alzheimers.

The study, published in the scientific journal Annals of Internal Medicinehad the participation of 318 older adults who were on average 70 years old and who had mild memory problems.

The researchers had the volunteers perform the Chinese martial art for one hour every two weeks, for six months, via videoconference. A more challenging version of tai chi, called Cognitive Enhanced Tai Ji Quan, was used, where participants had to try to spell words as they moved.

Tai chi is a discipline originating in China.

Additionally, they were given the Montreal Cognitive Assessment, a test that measures cognitive functions such as attention, language, conceptual thinking, concentration and orientation.

When people obtain a score between 26-30, it is considered normal, while when they have between 18 and 25, it is an indicator that there is mild cognitive impairment.

At the beginning of the study, the average score presented by the group of participants was 25.

After the tests, the researchers discovered that those who had done tai chi had managed to increase 1.5 points on the cognitive test.

Although you might believe that the difference is not so noticeable, Elizabeth Eckstrom, one of the authors of the research, suggests that it is still relevant because you will still be delaying cognitive decline for a long time.

According to the specialist, people who show signs of the condition can decrease half a point for each year on the Montreal Cognitive Assessment.

This martial art might slow cognitive decline, according to the study published in Annals of Internal Medicine.

“If you are able to continue doing (tai chi) two or three days a week routinely, it will take you years more before you reach that decline that leads to dementia,” says the researcher.

Results were significantly better in volunteers who performed Cognitive Enhanced Tai Ji Quan, as they managed to gain 3 points on the instrument, leading to additional years of cognitive function.

But how do you explain why tai chi is so beneficial in this area? For the expert, a possible answer might be that it is a physical activity where it is vital to memorize various postures and stretches. “You’re really forcing your brain to think hard while also engaging in fluid mind-body movements,” she says.

Recently, a team of scientists from Jiao Tong University (China) published a study suggesting that this martial art might also slow down the symptoms of Parkinson’s for several years, a type of disorder that causes tremors and slow movements in those who suffer from it.

In addition to identifying that tai chi had allowed the disease to progress more quickly, the researchers discovered that the volunteers had less pain and falls, in addition to having fewer difficulties in their memory and concentration.

#Exercise #slow #cognitive #decline

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