the closure of nightclubs extended, until when?

DISCOTHEQUES. The government has announced the closure of nightclubs for three additional weeks from January 3.

[Mis à jour le 05 janvier à 15h33] Three additional weeks of closure for night establishments. After first announcing four weeks, the government added three more weeks of closure for nightclubs, starting Monday January 3 and therefore, until January 24. “For three weeks there will be the renewal of the closure which concerned them,” said Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne, Minister Delegate in charge of Tourism and SMEs.

A new blow for the managers of nightclubs, who had to lower the curtain on December 10. At the end of December, the National Union of Discotheques and Places of Leisure, which denounces a “stigmatization” of the government after the announcement of the closure of nightclubs, was refused its request for cancellation of this measure by the Council of ‘State. “As we suspected, the Council of State rejected our request to cancel the closure of nightclubs”, we can read in A press release.

Fore SNDL, this closure of night establishments is a “stigma”, a “discrimination”, an unnecessary measure which is not justified by “no proven health element.” “It is these places in which no cluster has appeared for months, that the Government has decided to close”, we can read in this document, in which it is concluded: “the consequence is already known: resumption of the ‘epidemic in January and continued closure! “

In an attempt to curb the spread of Covid-19 in France, Prime Minister Jean Castex announced the closure of nightclubs for a period of four weeks, from Friday December 10 until Thursday January 6, 2022 inclusive, before to extend for another three weeks. An announcement strongly contested by professionals in the sector, made at the end of a new Defense Council at the Elysee Palace on Monday, December 6.

In a press release dated Tuesday, December 13, the National Union of Discotheques and Leisure Places (SNDLL) announced that it had seized the Council of State against a measure it deems “arbitrary”. And if the managers of night establishments denounce a difference in treatment with other sectors, the government added that “dance activities” will also be prohibited “until January 6 inclusive”, which means that it will be prohibited to dance in bars and restaurants, which remain open for the moment.

“The virus circulates a lot among young people and wearing a mask is difficult in these places. We also do it for consistency with the general message of caution”, argued Jean Castex, announcing that the government would support “economically the companies concerned (…) as much as is necessary. ” Partial unemployment will be reinstated in the events and nightlife sector, announces Elisabeth Borne on LCI. “I really want to reassure them: we are going to put in place partial activity, 100% support therefore without any remaining costs for the employer, to continue to protect jobs,” assured the minister.

The discos, closed for sixteen months, had only reopened on July 9, with a strict protocol. Protocol to which the mask was added again after a speech by the Minister of Health on November 25, 2021. Nightclubs were among the places where the rate of Covid-19 contamination is the highest.

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As revealed by the new part of the ComCor study by the Institut Pasteur, relayed by The Parisian, private parties, bars and nightclubs stand out as being the most at risk: in those under 40, the risk of contamination increases by 340% (150% in those over 40) compared to a person without not frequented nightclub. For comparison, a car trip with other people increases the risk by 30%. It is with this study that the government justifies the closure of nightclubs.

Ln Thursday, November 25, two weeks before the nightclubs close, Olivier Véran announced the return of the compulsory mask in all the places covered. Including if their access is already subject to presentation of the health pass. The law no longer required the wearing of a mask in indoor places where the health pass had been requested since the end of July (each operator remained free to do so). The mask therefore made a comeback in nightclubs from Friday November 26. A short respite since the nightclubs closed their doors a few days later …

Nightclubs and discos closed in March 2020, in line with government measures taken to stem the coronavirus pandemic in France. If the restaurants, cinemas, museums and theaters had reopened the first, just like the libertine clubs or the dancing cafes, the managers of night establishments had waited longer for the green light from the government.

After months of uncertainty, the date of July 9 was finally that of the opening, after having been confirmed by the government, Alain Griset, former minister responsible for Small and medium-sized enterprises. According to calculations by the SNDLL (National Union of Discotheques and Places of Leisure), of the 1,648 discotheques in France before the pandemic, 25% were in difficulty when reopening, and 131 in compulsory liquidation. Only 1,500 nightclubs could have reopened. Their re-closure is a new blow for the profession.

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