The climate strike group wanted to occupy the Enge canton school


Canton School EngeThis climate strike occupation didn’t really go according to plan

Several dozen people wanted to occupy the Enge canton school on Tuesday. Only: the school was inaugurated, various teachers welcomed the group with open arms.

That’s what it’s regarding

  • Several climate strikers wanted to enter the Enge canton school.

  • However, they were already expected on site.

  • The school now makes rooms available to the students.

  • The students are free to decide whether they want to take part in class today or in the protest of the climate strikers.

“The earth is burning: The system for which we were trained has no future”: Under this motto, a group from the “Earth is burning” alliance wanted to occupy the Enge canton school on Tuesday morning. Only: The school was informed regarding the plans of the climate strikers – probably also because the group had called for occupation via social media.

According to the freelance journalist Raimond Lüppken, several teachers and the school principal Moritz Spillmann welcomed the students with open arms, and the school also made several empty classrooms available to the climate strikers, in which “discussion groups” are now to take place. “That is the meaning and purpose of an educational institution, that we always engage in dialogue and enable certain protest opportunities,” says Spillmann.

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According to the federal intelligence service, the “Revolutionary Youth Zurich” (RJZ) is a violent group from the left-wing extremist scene.

Raimond Lüppken

However, they were already expected on site.

However, they were already expected on site.

Raimond Lüppken

Various teachers and the rector himself were already waiting for the climate strikers.

Various teachers and the rector himself were already waiting for the climate strikers.

Urs Jaudas

It is very important for the school not to go straight into a defensive attitude, says Spillmann. “We knew it was happening – we also followed the social media posts. We also have students who are actively involved. So it soon became clear that we were the focus.” He can understand the concerns: “These are issues that concern the students, but also the school.” However, he finds it regrettable that the topic was not discussed with one another beforehand. “But that is the prerogative of young people that they can determine the form of the protest themselves.”

Change to a social education system required

The climate strikers are currently hanging up banners in the school, jukeboxes are being brought into the classrooms, according to the local journalist the atmosphere is good. The pupils now decide individually whether they want to take part in regular classes on Tuesday – or take part in the protest of the climate strikers and thus play truant without permission. A banner of the “Revolutionary Youth Zurich” is now hanging in the school building. According to the federal intelligence service, the “Revolutionary Youth Zurich” (RJZ) is a violent group from the left-wing extremist scene.

Various workshops and training courses are planned on site: such as an open queer-feminist plenary session with LGBTIQ activist Anna Rosenwasser, an exchange with environmental activist Julia Steinberger or an input from Juso “regarding education and what that has to do with power”. There are also courses for painting banners and posters, for crocheting and knitting or for screen printing.

The planned process.
Raimond Lüppken

“The pressure to perform is too high”

According to the climate strikers, the current education system trains for “an exploitative and climate-destroying economic system”. A change towards an ecological and social education system is therefore required. “In a time of multiple crises such as the climate crisis, extreme social inequality and war, these enormous challenges should be given appropriate space in the school,” the squatters wrote in a statement.

In addition, these crises put a strain on the mental health of children, adolescents and young adults, which is further intensified by the pressure to perform in schools and universities. “The movement is therefore demanding not only a reduction in the pressure to perform, but also an expansion of psychological care at educational institutions,” said the climate strikers. “The pressure to perform in schools and universities is too high. The mental strain is not reasonable,” says Noé Lohm from “Erde brennt”.

Open letter to Steiner

It’s no use learning regarding antiquity if you don’t understand the wars and crises of our time, says Lohm. “Topics such as the climate crisis, social inequality and queer feminism should find their place – following all, young people should be equipped to meet the challenges of this time.”

The Zurich education director Silvia Steiner is explicitly asked to take a stand on site at the canton school. “The Zurich education system fails to give us the skills to survive in a world of crises,” says Sky from “Erde brennt”. This is the responsibility of the Director of Education. In addition, the collective addressed Steiner in an open letter. It was signed by, among others, the collective of critical teachers, climate strike Zurich and “Initiative LützerathLebt”.

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