the climate of hatred is growing from former BR to anarchists –

the climate of hatred is growing from former BR to anarchists –
Fracesca Musacchio

Ban the Jewish State and interrupt relations of all kinds, from economic ones to research ones, typical activities of the BDS, Boycott-divestment-sanctions movement. Close relationships with Israeli companies at all levels. Erase Israel. In the pro-Palestine university protests, from Europe to the United States, the demands are the same and have been repeated for weeks. But not only. Even the methods of execution and implementation of student actions are similar. Sometimes a lot, maybe too much. And so the suspicion is that there is a hidden direction behind it, which in some way guides and accompanies the pro-Palestine demonstrations that have been taking place outside and inside the universities for months.

Hostage already dead for some time: the sad news from the Israeli kibbutz

Intelligence analysts have been working for some time to follow the thread of a possible Hamas infiltration within the student networks. In Italy, the Hamas flag appeared in some street demonstrations. Like in the one in Milan last November where a sign appeared with the writing: «With Hamas, the Ezzedin al-Qassam brigades and the Palestinian people», signed «Italian Marxist-Leninist Party». And during the march someone even shouted: “Hamas is resistance, they are not terrorists.” And symbols of the terrorist group have also appeared in other contexts. And now that protests once morest Israel have flared up in American universities, yet another worrying signal regarding the possible infiltration of Hamas has arrived from Stanford. The university has in fact asked the FBI to investigate an individual photographed while wearing a bandana similar to that of Hamas members. The subject in question was in the camp set up by pro-Palestinian students, while he was wearing the bandana of Hamas members, specifically the variant used by members of the military wing, the al-Qassam Brigades, full-blown terrorists.

A week's time.  The threat from Israel: what Hamas risks

Fanatics or worrying sign? Certainly, the demonstrations and the risk of violence that may arise from them are severely limiting activities linked to Israel in many universities, including Italian ones. Among these the Milan State University, where a conference was scheduled for May 7th which was canceled due to reasons of rescheduling for June. «To the propal counterpart to whom everything seems granted, despite the democratic and pluralist methods, Walker Meghnagi, president of the Jewish Community of Milan, made it known – That time we have the possibility of being able to express our reasons, we are often forbidden by propal militants. And when we manage to express ourselves we must do so in circumstances that require a strong presence of law enforcement. The latest example is from these days when we had to postpone one of our conferences organized at the Statale for Tuesday 7 May. This, however – he specified – has not discouraged us from re-proposing it with the same schedule in June, also guaranteeing the participation of the same panel of speakers and in the hope that it will be a more serene moment with less intolerance”. And speaking of intolerance, on Thursday evening in Livorno around 300 people from the “Livorno anti-fascist” protested the minister Matteo Salvini during the presentation of his book by throwing eggs, firecrackers and smoke bombs.

#climate #hatred #growing #anarchists #Tempo
2024-05-04 06:56:45

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