The “clicks” that wrote History

His refusal, the famous “No”, which was also reported in the Greek press of the time, resulted in Greece’s entry into World War II and the start of the Greco-Italian war.


“Greeks, now we will prove whether we are worthy of our ancestors and the freedom that our forefathers guaranteed us. Let the whole Nation rise together, fight for the Motherland, your women, your children, and our sacred traditions. Now in favor of everything the fight”, Ioannis Metaxas concluded in his speech to the Greek people. The events that followed, shocking. Nothing could hold back the multitude of people who poured into the streets, shouting anti-Italian slogans and singing patriotic songs. Thousands of young people stormed Italian offices and businesses, male and female volunteers rushed to conscription offices to enlist…

With History coming alive every year on such a day, Sunday’s Free Press presents rare photographic documents from the war, the Occupation, the Resistance and the Liberation collected by the then Hellenic Information Service, now the General Secretariat for Information and Communication (GSIE), which it is subordinate to the Presidency of the Government, which fought its own battle projecting all the political and social forces that resisted the invaders. This rich historical archive was presented in the past through the short film “Memory and Testimonies 1940-1944” created by the GHEE.

The Library, the Photographic Archive and the Newspaper Collection of the General Secretariat of Communication and Information “host approximately 25,000 books published from 1677 to the present day, including important publications of the service which are out of trade. Over 15,000 bound volumes with newspaper leaves (Greek and foreign language titles) with year of publication from 1902 to the present day, approximately 100,000 photographs from 1890 to the present day, as well as magazines, maps and other archival material,” the head tells Sunday’s Free Press of the Department of Research and Documentation Archives of the Directorate of Communication, Mrs. Anna Mastora.

As he points out, the Service’s material “records the news of more than a century, taking care of public information. This is archival wealth for which our Service has fought its own battle to acquire and save it during difficult times for the country, such as World War II.”

“Active Collections”

All these sources of information (photographs, books, newspapers and other archival materials), adds Ms. Mastora, “are active collections that are constantly renewed with a strategic development plan in order to fulfill their purpose, namely to record the history of public information and at the same time to create historical sources for the history of the country, contributing to historical self-awareness”.

This year, the GHEE Library completes 70 years (1954-2024) since its establishment. “We are celebrating the event with many outreach actions to familiarize the public with our collections and services. A key objective of our operation, in addition to the strategic development of our collections with modern library and archival standards and the preservation of cultural heritage, has been to highlight the collections through the provision of services to the public, especially during the most recent 15 years.”

The declaration of war causes palatial displays of excitement
Greek refugees in the Middle East: Life in the tents. Greek refugee camp in a Middle Eastern country.
The Greek flag painted on the Martin A-30 Baltimore bomber aircraft “Eptanissos” of the 3rd Light Bombardment Squadron.
German phalanx advancing on a Greek city, possibly Lamia.
“The most beautiful, the lightest day in the world”, wrote the poet Giorgos Seferis about Liberation. Liberation finds Greece counting losses, economically devastated and in search of political balance.
The Germans, in retaliation for the murder of two of their soldiers by rebels in the village of Kladorachi in Florina, executed 15 Greeks by hanging (9/8/1943), who were left hanging for three days as an example.
“Operation Kalavryta”, a typical “atonement operation”, was one of the most serious war crimes committed by the Germans during World War II.
The massacre at Distomo: “Here the priest was slaughtered together with eight” is written on the destroyed house.
At the front, the difficult terrain makes it difficult to transport war material for the Greek army.
The “Black Book” of the Occupation: Despite the strict ban on photography, when hunger hit the capital, Greek photographer Voula Papaioannou visited the hospitals and captured the shocking forms of the skeletonized children and starving adults.
Soldiers take a safe position in a trench to protect themselves from a reconnaissance plane.

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#clicks #wrote #History
It appears you have provided a sizable snippet of JavaScript code related to a web-based system for managing advertisements via Google Ad⁢ Manager (GAM) and potentially integrating with other advertising ‍solutions such as Google AdSense, OneSignal for push notifications, and Disqus for comments.⁢ The code includes definitions for ad ⁣slots, targeting settings, and integration logic.

Here’s a brief⁢ overview of the main components:

### Key ‌Components:

1. **Ad Slot‌ Definitions**:

‍- Ad‌ slots are defined ⁣using `googletag.defineSlot`, indicating which⁣ ads will be displayed based on different sizes and the associated targeting conditions.

​‌ – Size ‍mappings (`defineSizeMapping`) for responsive behavior are set for various screen sizes, indicating​ which ad formats to display based on⁢ the context.

2.⁢ **Dynamic Targeting**:

– Targeting options are set to​ filter ads shown ‍on the page. For example,​ `setTargeting(‘pageType’, ‘article’)`⁢ ensures that‌ only article-related ads are served.

⁤- Article-specific parameters, such as `article_id`, help to deliver relevant advertisements.

3. **Conditional Loading**:

– ‍The code checks whether the user is‌ on a mobile⁣ device (using `window.isMobile`) and adapts the ad slots accordingly.

4. **Ad Serving⁢ Control**:

– Methods like `collapseEmptyDivs`, `disableInitialLoad`, and `enableSingleRequest` help to ‌manage how ads are‌ served to the user, including preventing empty ‌ad spots from being‌ displayed.

5. **Other Integrations**:

‌ ⁢ – The code integrates with OneSignal for push notifications and prepares for Disqus comments with configuration options ‍set for page-specific identifiers.

‍ – ‌There are placeholders for additional advertising systems (like Phaistos Adman and Taboola),‌ showing that this setup may support various ad networks.

### Debugging and Improvements:

– **Logging**: You may want‌ to add‍ error logging to help ⁤troubleshoot issues with ad⁣ loading or integration failures.

– **Load Scripts Asynchronously**: Make sure async script loading (e.g., `asyncLoadScript`) is properly defined and implemented⁤ to avoid blocking the main thread.

– **Ad Performance Monitoring**: Consider implementing⁤ analytics to track ​ad performance, such as impressions and clicks, which can help optimize ad placements.

If you‌ have specific questions about this⁢ snippet or if⁢ you need assistance with a particular aspect (like improving ​performance, debugging, or handling specific integration scenarios), feel​ free to ask!

Ere’s an overview of how the code you provided operates, focusing on managing advertisements and related integrations on a web page. The code integrates various ad services and methods to optimize ad delivery based on user context, such as device type and page content.

### Key Components:

1. **Ad Slot Definitions**:

– Ad slots are defined using `googletag` functions, which are part of Google Publisher Tag (GPT). This allows you to specify which ads will be shown based on the defined sizes and targeting criteria.

– Size mappings (`defineSizeMapping`) allow for responsive ad displays depending on screen sizes, ensuring that the ads fit various devices seamlessly.

2. **Dynamic Targeting**:

– The code sets dynamic targeting options, such as `setTargeting(‘pageType’, ‘article’)`, to ensure that ads are relevant to the page’s content. Additional parameters, like `article_id`, are used to further filter the ads served, thereby matching them to specific articles or content types.

3. **Conditional Loading**:

– The script checks if the user is on a mobile device through `window.isMobile`. Depending on this condition, it removes or hides ads that are meant for desktop or mobile to optimize user experience.

4. **Ad Serving Control**:

– Functions like `collapseEmptyDivs`, `enableSingleRequest`, and `disableInitialLoad` control how ads are delivered, avoiding empty spaces for non-served ads and managing load behavior to enhance performance.

5. **Integration with Other Tools**:

– The script is set up for integration with several other services, including:

– **Google AdSense**: To populate ads on pages based on the defined settings.

– **OneSignal**: For push notifications, configuring the service with an app ID for user engagement.

– **Disqus**: For comment sections, allowing for social interaction and engagement on articles.

– **Analytics Services**: Integration with tools like Microsoft Clarity and Yandex Metrica for tracking user behavior and site performance.

6. **Asynchronous Script Loading**:

– The code employs asynchronous script loading methods like `asyncLoadScript` to ensure that various scripts (for ads, tracking, etc.) load without blocking the main rendering thread of the page. This technique helps improve page load times and user experience.

### Conclusion:

The provided JavaScript code combines advertising management with user engagement and analytics tracking. It constructs a responsive ad serving framework that maximizes relevance and efficiency while also preparing the page for various interactions, such as comments and push notifications. Integrating these various components helps create a cohesive ecosystem for content monetization and user retention.

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