the civil parties ask him for a million –

Benedict Antonelli

The 6 years in prison that the Palermo prosecutors want to inflict on Matteo Salvini for kidnapping in the Open Arms trial were not enough. Yesterday the request for compensation from the civil parties also arrived: one million euros. The deputy prime minister, and leader of the League, laughs (bitterly) about it: «It’s madness, it seems like “Candid”, but it’s not funny». And he publishes a post with a large caption: «Shame». The lawyers for the civil parties, however, are convinced of the reasons, which they motivate as follows: «Inhuman conduct», «A markedly political and electoral attitude», «He sacrificed the dignity of the shipwrecked».

Mannheimer freezes Formigli: what Italians think about Salvini's trial...

The facts – it should be remembered – date back to August 2019, and concern the landing of 147 migrants aboard the NGO Open Arms, with the Ministry of the Interior having blocked entry to the port while waiting for other European countries to take charge of a quota of immigrants. The civil party lawyers all speak, for about twenty minutes each. Some represent the castaways themselves, but also associations, including Legambiente, Arci, Giuristi democratici, Sud Sud and others. The NGO Open Arms alone is asking for the sum of 380 thousand euros. The others are asking for 30 to 50 thousand euros each. “All the civil parties have referred to the requests that the Prosecutor’s Office has made in a very reasoned manner both on the reconstruction of the facts and on the legal provisions that were violated by the defendant. We trust in the ruling of the Court, we believe that there are all the conditions to affirm the criminal liability of the then Minister of the Interior”. These are the words of the lawyer Arturo Salerni, civil party lawyer of Open Arms, speaking to journalists during a break in the trial. «The terrible stories of those who were held hostage on the ship for many days in inhumane conditions also emerged, people who came from hellish realities in their migratory journeys especially from the Libyan camps which are places of torture – he says – In Italy they found themselves waiting for what was a necessary act as provided for by international conventions and Italian law».

Anti-Salvini rally, Cruciani cyclone on the activist for migrants

The response of Deputy Prime Minister Salvini, however, is not long in coming: “I do not see – he reiterates in the episode of “Cinque Minuti”, Bruno Vespa’s format – why I should resign. I believe I have a thousand defects, but I asked Italians to vote to defend the borders. We have solved the problem of illegal immigration, saved lives, spared our fellow citizens thousands and thousands of crimes. I do not expect a medal, but ending up in jail, that is no way. The opposition is the one who sent me to trial. Pd, M5S and Renzi are the ones who said Salvini should be sent to jail. I would never have done such a thing towards them, but everyone is made in their own way”. The trial, meanwhile, has been postponed to October 18 for the defense speeches. Then President Roberto Murgia will indicate another date for any replies and the Council Chamber. Between the end of October and the beginning of November.

There was no Prodi trial. Specchia: Open Arms? The forgotten precedent

#civil #parties #million #Tempo
2024-09-21 21:13:43



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