The city’s New Coronary Pneumonia Epidemic Prevention and Control Work Conference held a heavy encirclement, strict measures, efficient disposal, quick response, resolute and decisive fight against the epidemic | Epidemic | New Coronary Pneumonia_Sina News

On the morning of October 10, the city’s new crown pneumonia epidemic prevention and control work meeting was held to listen to the city’s epidemic situation and related work reports, and deploy the current and next stage of epidemic emergency response work. Municipal Party Secretary Ma Shiguang presided over the meeting and delivered a speech. Mayor Xing Zhengjun deployed the work. Wang Jiapei and other leaders of the city’s four teams participated. The meeting was held in the form of video, and each county, district and sector set up branch venues.

In his speech, Ma Shiguang pointed out that the provincial party committee and the provincial government attached great importance to the emergency response to the epidemic in Lianyungang, and Secretary Wu Zhenglong of the provincial party committee immediately put forward a clear request. All departments at all levels in the city must clearly understand the current severe situation, thoroughly study and implement the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech on epidemic prevention and control, and adhere to the general strategy of “foreign defense input, internal defense rebound” and the general policy of “dynamic clearing”. Shaking, strictly in accordance with the ninth edition of the prevention and control plan and the deployment requirements of the provincial party committee and the provincial government, fast-tracking, fast-tracking, comprehensive investigation, filling and plugging leaks, and encircling heavy forces to quickly handle the emergency response to the epidemic to ensure the fastest speed, The society will be cleared in the shortest time to ensure that there will be no new emergencies.

Ma Shiguang pointed out that it is necessary to carry out work in a pragmatic, efficient and rapid manner. The emergency response mechanism of the city and county (district) should be coordinated and coordinated to quickly identify and control risk personnel. It is necessary to strictly control key areas, scientifically delineate medium- and high-risk areas, keep your eyes open, guard against death, and resolutely prevent the spread of the epidemic. It is necessary to strengthen organization and coordination, carry out nucleic acid screening in an all-round way, strengthen the connection between collection, inspection and reporting, screen out potential risks in the shortest time, and cut off the chain of epidemic transmission as quickly as possible. It is necessary to tighten the responsibility of the “quartet”, in accordance with the requirements of the ninth edition of the prevention and control plan, further increase the inspection of vehicles and personnel in key areas, strictly implement measures such as “on-the-ground inspection” and active reporting, and strengthen daily Risk research and judgment, strengthen port epidemic prevention and control, and classify and implement quarantine observation, nucleic acid testing, health monitoring and other management and control measures for persons at risk of epidemic, to strictly prevent leakage and loss of control. It is necessary to further strengthen the prevention and control of social aspects, strictly implement the prevention and control of key links in key areas and key places such as residential quarters, schools, hospitals, nursing homes, and farmers’ markets, strictly implement prevention and control measures in rural areas and enterprises, and constantly strengthen the prevention and control of imported, A tight front against spillage and proliferation. It is necessary to efficiently coordinate epidemic prevention and control, economic and social development, development and safety, and carefully provide services such as material security, medical treatment, and medical waste disposal for risk areas and populations, resolutely prevent incidents that impact the bottom line of morality, and ensure orderly flow of people and logistics. Smooth, safe and stable industrial chain and supply chain.

When deploying the emergency response work, Xing Zhengjun required to carry out comprehensive investigation and traceability, strictly implement investigation and control, find out the source and transmission chain as soon as possible, scientifically delineate risk areas, and quickly implement centralized isolation measures to prevent risk spillovers. It is necessary to quickly organize nucleic acid testing, optimize the whole process of “collection, delivery, inspection, and reporting”, strengthen the guarantee of nucleic acid testing personnel and materials, and ensure that all inspections should be carried out, and fast inspections will be released quickly. We must earnestly guard all gates, strictly inspect vehicles and personnel from key areas in accordance with the requirements of the ninth edition of the plan, and implement measures such as active reporting and “on-the-ground inspection”. and other traffic nodes for strict control. It is necessary to strengthen epidemic prevention and control at ports, strictly implement quarantine and disinfection of imported goods, and strictly prevent the import of epidemics. It is necessary to strictly control the place where the epidemic occurred and the surrounding area, and guide people to avoid cross-regional movement as much as possible, and stay connected unless necessary to prevent the spread of the epidemic. It is necessary to scientifically do medical treatment, effectively maintain medical order, strengthen the management of medical institutions and pharmacies, strengthen environmental nucleic acid testing of front-line medical personnel and key parts of hospitals, and fully meet the medical needs of residents. It is necessary to strengthen social prevention and control, increase prevention efforts in rural areas, and build a strong line of defense against group control. All villages and communities must promptly check people who come and go back to the company, and urge the implementation of measures such as “on-the-ground inspection”, health monitoring, and home isolation. Implement grid management and control on trucks, do a good job in closed-loop management, and connect point-to-point. It is necessary to do a good job of authoritative release and material guarantee, and to coordinate the work of safety production and social security, so as to lay a solid foundation for the prevention and control of the epidemic.

Reporter: Zhuang Tingting Photographer: Wang Zhen

General duty: Chen Gang Liu Kun

Editor: Yang Lexiao

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