2024-04-15 20:45:21
While the Paris 2024 Olympic flame will be lit this Tuesday, April 16, 2024, the City of Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône) will take advantage of the event to unveil the outlines of the reception of this symbol of the Games which will arrive in the Phocaean City on May 8 as part of a major popular festival.
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Lhe second city in France is preparing to receive the flame of the Games, with the upcoming arrival of “White” who will enter the ” Old Port “the 08 of 2024.
This arrival by sea – which will constitute an unprecedented event in the history of the Games in the journey between Greece and the host country of the Games – will in a certain way echo the arrival orchestrated ahead of the Winter Games of Grenoble 1968 when the flame was presented swimming in the Marseille port.
For the 2024 edition, the City of Marseille is thinking big.
While the security system and logistical arrangements for the maritime parade were recently presented by the organizers, the Mayor of Marseille, Benoît Payan, will unveil the new look of the Town Hall in view of the festivities of next May 8, festivities which will also be discussed during an official ceremony announced for this Tuesday April 16, 2024 from 2:00 p.m.
In addition to the parade at sea which might mobilize around 1,000 boats to accompany the entry of the famous three-masted ship into the ” Old Port “the landing of the Olympic torch will precede the holding of a giant concert planned for the early evening with the possible presence of nearly 150,000 spectators.
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