The City of Geneva asks for an extension of 5 million for energy

The galloping rise in energy costs spares no one: the Administrative Council of the City of Geneva foresees a credit overrun of 5 million francs for the year 2022. The budget initially planned for energy was 7 million : it might rise to 12 million.

Lighting buildings, turning on computers or even using household appliances: for the City of Geneva, the energy bill will be higher than expected. The Administrative Council requests the opening of an additional credit of 5,180,000 francs. Blame it on rising energy costs. Already in the second half of 2021, prices were constantly increasing, as explained by Valérie Cerda, head of the energy department in the City of Geneva: “We were always waiting for a drop that never came. . On the contrary, there were exponential increases, and we found ourselves cornered at least from December”.

“There was collusion with the budget discussions”

This increase of 5 million was not budgeted for, because the energy contract was signed in December: ‘There was collusion with the budget discussions and that is why the increase was not might not be presented at that time: we were almost simultaneously with the budgetary decision-making process at the City Council,” explains the head of department.

“It would have been wise for Ms. Perler to mention this credit”

An explanation that does not entirely satisfy the PLR: “The promise to purchase a new contract was decided on December 9, 2021, we sat on December 18 to deal with the budget. It would have been wise for Mrs Perler to already mention this credit which would necessarily come in the budget and there, it would have been necessary to talk regarding it” deplores Michèle Roullet, head of the PLR ​​City of Geneva group.

“We find ourselves in a situation where we don’t really have a choice”

At the PS, it is not the action of the department that is castigated, but rather the liberalization of the Swiss energy market: “We find ourselves in a situation where we don’t really have a choice: prices have so increased since last year, we will have to pay the price and assume the fact that energy is not considered an essential good: it is on the free market “explains Joëlle Bertossa, co-president of the PS Ville de Genève . And for 2023, the energy bill will be even higher: the energy service has estimated it at nearly 19 million francs. The 2023 budget will be presented in its entirety on Wednesday August 31.



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