The city of Angers will have a new mayor this Monday, September 23

The 59 elected members of the Angers city council will meet this Monday, September 23, 2024 at 6 p.m. for a so-called extraordinary meeting. Christophe Béchu will once again become the mayor of Angers.

There is no mystery. The new mayor of Angers who will be designated this Monday evening will be called Christophe Béchu (Horizons). Having become Minister Delegate for Local Authorities on May 20, 2022, then Minister of Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion on July 4, 2022, he had in fact exchanged his seat with that of his first deputy, Jean-Marc Verchère (MoDem), on July 18, 2022.

The only surprise to be expected is to know which of the eleven current deputies to the mayor of Angers will be promoted to first deputy, Jean-Marc Verchère having not wished to take up the position. Two municipal councillors will also be promoted to deputies, so that the mayor can have 22 deputies (17 deputies and 5 district deputies), respecting the parity of eleven women and eleven men.

Three new municipal councillors are taking office this Monday evening, replacing three elected officials who have resigned. Angelo Tocco, retired, and Alexa Chamoret, a teacher, will replace Charles Diers and Nicolas Audigane, from the Angers pour vous list (Christophe Béchu’s list). Sonia Portenguen, a sales employee, will replace Arash Saeidi, from the Angers écologique et solidaire list (Yves Aurégan’s list).



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