The circulation of COVID-19, influenza and bronchiolitis has continued to decelerate in recent days in Bourgogne-Franche-Comté.

The decline in COVID-19 is clearly continuing in Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, with an incidence rate in the general population now close to 55 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, and a test positivity rate everywhere below the alert threshold of 10%

Public Health France also observes the slow and progressive reflux of bronchiolitis and influenza.

Under these conditions, the ARS Bourgogne-Franche-Comté will suspend the publication of this update on a weekly basis, but obviously continues its monitoring of epidemics, with the support of Public Health France in the region (bulletins and epidemiological points accessible on the website

Providing clear and transparent information will continue to guide the messages that we will pass on to the general public.

At this stage, they remain the same, to protect us, protect ours, protect others, preserve the healthcare system:

– activate the barrier gestures that we know by heart,

– get vaccinated once morest the flu and COVID-19 with our local health professionals.

Campaign once morest the flu until February 28

Two pieces of information to note in this register:

– the campaign once morest the flu is extended until February 28; vaccination is particularly recommended for people at risk who are likely to develop a serious form.

– vaccination once morest COVID is now open to children aged 6 months to 4 years at risk of severe forms, as well as children of this same age group living in the entourage of an immunocompromised person.

For nearly three years, the toll of the COVID-19 epidemic in the region has stood at 7,255 deaths in health establishments; 2,565 in medico-social establishments.



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