The chemistry of love: it’s so good for our health Word & Picture Publishing Group

2023-05-02 07:14:23

Messenger substances can make us feel good – how we can ensure that our body releases dopamine and co

Baierbrunn (OTS) Good feelings are more than a flickering of nerve cells. Whoever loves and feels joy floods his head and body with special substances. dopamine and co. but do not decide who we give our hearts to. This shows how we can ensure that our body releases these messenger substances Health magazine “Apotheken Umschau”.

Dopamine, oxytocin and serotonin play a central role among the messenger substances that stand for exhilaration, passion, tingling and trust in love. Join in stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. Some substances are small and only found in the nervous system. There they mediate as messengers between the nerve cells. And there are hormones that affect organs throughout the body, and of course they too testosterone and estrogen belong.

Mental training lowers stress hormone levels

But how can we do it ourselves? make you feel good? For example with pets. The basis for this love is the same stuff that holds mothers and babies together. At The dog it might be shown that just the sight, but also touching and stroking of the owners, the production of Oxytocin boost. The same probably applies to cats and other pets. Stress subsides, blood pressure drops; and if you diligently walk your four-legged friend, you are doing something for your health anyway.

Also mentales Training can reduce stress sustainably, be it mindfulness exercises, body scan or classic meditation. Hair analyzes show that the level of the stress hormone cortisol decreases permanently through regular exercise. You feel better and more balanced. With stress, the risk of depressionscardiovascular disease and diabetes.

Gardening balances the soul

Another measure: Cook together, treat yourself. A meal cooked with Freud is generally gratifying. When you cook with chicken, soy, avocado, or other foods that contain tryptophan, you are providing your body with the raw material for it happiness hormone serotonin equal to. Fat, sugar and starch boost serotonin levels. But beware: so much enjoyment is only healthy in moderation.

Anyone who has the opportunity should regularly outside work in the garden. Sometimes it is enough to free the perennial bed from the weeds. Other days it’s building a garden shed or chopping down trees: working outdoors is rewarding and sometimes even exciting. It brings the circuit in motion and balance the soul.

This report is only free for publication with a reference to the source. The health magazine “Apotheken Umschau” 5A/2023 is currently available in most pharmacies in Austria. There is much more interesting health news at and on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube.

Questions & contact:

Julie von Wangenheim, Head of Corporate Communications
Katharina Neff-Neudert, PR manager
Tel.: 089/744 33-360

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