The Chavista Justice ordered the arrest of the replacement of Juan Guaidó in the National Assembly of Venezuela

Dinorah Figuera

A court of chavista regime He ordered the capture of the three members of the new board of Parliament elected in 2015, whose continuation defends the opposition, in the midst of the inmate that displaced the leader Juan Guaidó.

A criminal court in Caracas informed on Saturday night of the arrest warrant once morest Dinorah Figuera, who replaced Guaidó in the presidency of that National Assembly, which is recognized by the United States and dozens of other countries such as the last democratically elected institution in Venezuela.

The capture of its first and second vice president was also ordered. Marianela Fernandez and Auristela Vasquez.

In practice, arrests cannot be carried out because all three live abroad: Figuera and Vásquez in Spain, and Fernández in the United States.

They are accused of “usurpation of functions, treason, association to commit crimes.” and money laundering, by virtue of their participation in irregular acts related to the fictitious appointment of a Board of Directors of an alleged illegitimate National Assembly, for the theft of Venezuelan assets abroad”, indicated the Criminal Judicial Circuit of Caracas on Twitter.

“From the legitimate National Assembly, this action is considered a violation of all processes and another attack once morest human rights in Venezuela,” said a statement on Sunday. “We call on the national democratic community and the democratic governments of the world to raise their voices and speak out once morest this ferocious attack by the Nicolás Maduro regime.”

A majority within the opposition appointed Figuera as head of that Parliament on January 5, displacing Guaidó and putting an end to the figure of “interim government” that this leader led for the last four years, although never with real power.

That majority eliminated the “interim presidency”, but not the 2015 Assembly, whose term ended in 2021. Its members defend its continuity by denouncing the triumph of the Chavismo ruler in the 2020 parliamentary elections as a “fraud”.

The United States endorsed that forum and said it respected the decision to remove Guaidó, who was its main ally.

This year, in addition, in the midst of these strong clashes, the opposition aspires to hold primaries to choose a unitary candidate for the next presidential elections, scheduled for 2024.

“There are 360 ​​days left for 2024, the deadline for the presidential election that they owe us. I know it sounds like a lot, but it’s right around the corner. (…) We immediately have a challenge to face, and it is to defeat Maduro. It is not between us, the fight is with Maduro”, said Juan Guaidó days ago.

He added that, following the elimination of the “interim government”, it is “difficult to speak of unity”, however, he insisted that “it is a duty” to achieve it to face “the dictatorship”.

The Venezuelan opposition leader asked that the dates for the democratic unity elections be set

Last December, the lawyer Jesus Maria Casalpresident of the Primaries Commission, announced that the primary elections might be held on June 25, 2023, a date that has not yet been set but that has served as a guide for planning these elections.

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