The “Chancelersville” will be renamed as soon as it arrives in the Taiwan Strait!US ship to be renamed due to ‘political correctness’ | International | Newtalk News

The U.S. Navy Aegis-class cruiser USS Chancellorsville has passed through the Taiwan Strait in the past. Image: taken from Wikimedia Commons, copyright belongs to the public domain (file photo)

The United States has recently blown away the trend of “de-confederation”, and many North-South battles have been renamed to remove the color of the Confederacy during the Civil War.US Naval Institute website 13 Japan said the two U.S. warships needed to be renamed because of the political orientation of the Civil War. Among them is the Aegis-class cruiser USS Chancellorsville, which has just passed through the Taiwan Strait (USS Chancellorsville)」。

The nomenclature committee responsible for deconfederation announced that some naval ships should be renamed, including the cruiser USS Chancellorsville and the aircraft carrier USS Murray (T-AGS-66)。

According to the report, the committee 2021 year 1 An investigation into whether monuments, buildings, streets and warships across the U.S. were named following figures related to Civil War readiness, which began in March, will be published in 10 moon 1 A request for a name change should be submitted to Congress before the day before.

The Chancellorsville came from the Battle of Chancellorsville in the Civil War. Although it was not directly related to the Confederacy, the committee believed that the name background of the ship and the interior decoration of the ship were to celebrate the victory of the Confederate army in the battle. Therefore, There is a “political correctness” issue.USS Murray is the U.S. Navy 19 Matthew · Murray (Matthew Maury),he is 1861 After the outbreak of the Civil War, he joined the Confederate Army.

The report said that the new name has not yet been determined, and this is not the first time that a U.S. Navy ship has been renamed. In the past, at least 20 The service ships were renamed.

The United States has recently blown away the trend of “de-confederation”, and many North-South battles have been renamed

The website of the U.S. Naval Institute stated on the 13th that the name of the ship involved the political orientation of the Civil War.

Two U.S. warships need to be renamed. Among them is a cruiser USS Chancellorsville that has just passed through the Taiwan Strait.

A painting of the Battle of Chancellorsville (also known as the Battle of Chancellorsville) in the American Civil War. Figure: Taken from Wikipedia Kurz and Allison (file photo)

A painting of the Battle of Chancellorsville (also known as the Battle of Chancellorsville) in the American Civil War. Figure: Taken from Wikipedia Kurz and Allison (file photo)

Pathfinder-class naval survey ship USS Murray. Figure: Taken from Wikipedia (data photo)

Pathfinder-class naval survey ship USS Murray. Figure: Taken from Wikipedia (data photo)



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