The challenge of providing territoriality to consolidate the “advantage”

2023-07-09 03:07:00

Together for Change begins the last stretch of the campaign trusting in an advantage that the polls would give Rodrigo de Loredo, although with some questions regarding the territorial deployment in the sectionals where the election will be defined.

Unlike Hacemos Unidos, in the opposition they consider that “since Luis Juez is not the candidate, the panorama is different for multiple reasons.” That reasoning has, for example, the candidate Juan Balastegui, a reference for section 13, one of the most complex for Together for Change, but where, Balastegui trusts, differences can be narrowed due to the “phenomenon” De Loredo: “To Rodrigo They know him from politics, but also from TV and the networks; and that is a clear advantage that we have over (Daniel) Passerini”, analyzes Balastegui.

In the 35 main circuits in which the city is divided, where 56 percent of the register is concentrated, Luis Juez prevailed three weeks ago in 11: the greatest difference was made in Nueva Córdoba and Villa Revol, by more than 900 votes. in each circuit. However, in others, the victory was very close: as in Observatorio, where he won by 86 votes, or in Alta Córdoba, where the difference was 153.

But, as already said, in De Loredo’s campaign command they consider that these numbers had the ceiling of Judge, either because of the weight of his management or because of his Peronist past.

Together for Change needs to reduce the differences in popular neighborhoods and expand in those sectors of the city that accompanied it in June. In Nueva Córdoba, for example, there is room for this: participation was 61 percent, so 8,302 residents did not go to vote. In that circuit, Judge won by 991 votes.

No less true is that what De Loredo must reduce in popular neighborhoods is a lot. In Villa El Libertador, for example, 61 percent voted, so 10,360 residents did not attend; with a difference favorable to Llaryora of 4,596 votes. Peronism added 9,277 and Together for Change, 4,681. Territorial responsibility in section 10, where Villa El Libertador is located, belongs to Sergio Piguillem, the first candidate for councilor on De Loredo’s list.

In the 12th, the historic section of Ramón Mestre, the weight of responsibility falls in this election on Claudia Luján, second on the list of councilors and leader who answers to Juan Negri, the campaign manager.

La 12 is a sectional that in the June election gave Llaryora an advantage, who obtained a difference in almost all the neighborhoods, with the exception of Colón, where Juez won by 262 votes. In the main neighborhood of that branch, José Ignacio Díaz, Hacemos Unidos took an advantage of 4,055 votes from Together for Change; although 9,864 voters were left without going to vote. One of the great territorial battles is expected next Sunday, June 23.

On the 11th, on the other hand, there is uncertainty. De Loredo’s list of councilors does not include any leader of neighborhood weight among the expected positions. In this sector of the city, the neighborhood with the greatest weight is Alto Alberdi, where Llaryora narrowly won the provincial election, by just 755 votes; and where participation reached 64 percent, which means that 8,248 people did not go to vote.

In another important neighborhood on 11, Residencial San Roque, Hacemos Unidos won comfortably, by 3,650 votes, and with a lower turnout than in the previous neighborhood: 62 percent, with 6,269 voters missing.

Something similar occurs in section 14, “Negri’s section”, where the territorial work of Peronism in Argüello Norte and adjacent areas tipped the balance in favor of Peronism in the last election. With 62 percent participation, Llaryora took a difference of 5,014 votes from Judge, and 7,538 residents did not go to vote. There is a situation analogous to 11: radicalism does not have a strong candidate in that sector of the city.

The territorial table where Miguel Nicolás and Juan Negri sit is attentive to these numbers, but also expectant for the “reappearance” of old radicals and the commitment of the mestrismo to display its militancy. They also admit that jucismo has already digested the provincial defeat and is focused on the campaign, particularly in popular sectors. The certain expectation of regaining control of the country’s second city works wonders.

#challenge #providing #territoriality #consolidate #advantage



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