The Cerebral Vascular Accident claims victims in Guadeloupe

It is a silent disease that wreaks havoc in Guadeloupe and it is for this reason that the Regional Health Agency, in partnership with the Neurovascular Unit of the CHU, is launching an awareness and information campaign in leadership of the public. Posters, flyers, radio spot, TV and social networks! A campaign to take action and save lives.

It is an evil that attacks our control center, the brain!

A stroke occurs when the brain is no longer supplied with blood and therefore with oxygen. It can affect all audiences and in Guadeloupe, we see that it concerns more people than at the national level and sometimes at an earlier age.


©Guadeloupe the 1st

In Guadeloupe, 2 to 3 people a day are stroke victims. 2 to 3 people whose brain is no longer irrigated with blood properly. Either because the circulation of blood in the vessels is obstructed by a clot, or because one of the vessels has ruptured. Whatever the reason, this anomaly can cause irreversible damage to certain functions of the brain. Also, it is essential to act quickly and contact the emergency and care services as soon as the first symptoms appear. Indeed, each minute that passes leads to the death of a part of the brain.

Cerebrovascular accident (CVA)



As proof, in Guadeloupe, stroke is the leading cause of disability in adults.

This campaign launched by the ARS is a way to raise awareness among the population to recognize the signs of a stroke but also to trace a path to contact the emergency services and particularly the neuro-vascular unit of the CHU dedicated to the care around the clock for stroke patients.

We know: 2 to 3 people are affected by a stroke every day in Guadeloupe. Age is not a criterion and often like an accident, stroke occurs by surprise. But it can be spotted: the patient’s face sags or becomes abnormally paralyzed, speech, sight or motor skills appear. The patient becomes confused and incoherent in his verbal expression.

stroke explanation



Once noted all these symptoms, it’s a real race once morest time that begins. Without waiting, you have to dial 15 or 112 or even more deaf and hard of hearing people, send an SMS to 114.

If stroke can affect all types of audiences, certain factors can increase the risk. The consumption of alcohol, tobacco or drugs, obesity, but also untreated pathologies, such as diabetes, high blood pressure or high cholesterol.

So to prevent the risk of stroke, it is advisable to practice a sports activity regularly, to take its treatments and to limit its consumption of alcohol and tobacco.

Diet is also a doorway to stroke prevention. May it be balanced and made with more fruits and vegetables.

stroke Celestin Xanatre stroke


To find out everything regarding stroke, explanatory leaflets will be distributed and a media campaign should allow each of us to have the right reflexes when faced with this silent killer.

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