“The centers in Albania are a model” –

“On the immigration front, as you know, in the coming weeks the centers provided for by the memorandum of understanding with Albania will also be fully operational to process asylum requests on Albanian territory, but under Italian and European jurisdiction. In recent months, as Ministers Piantedosi and Crosetto know well, we have encountered several operational difficulties, but we are overcoming them one by one because we believe so much in this innovative project. And its potential effectiveness is demonstrated by the mobilization not only of the European left, but of NGOs at an international level that, as you will have read, are mobilizing against the Protocol. Except that at the same time, the majority of EU member states have asked the Commission to take it as a model as an innovative solution. We are aware that all eyes are on us, and for this reason we intend to do everything in a workmanlike manner”. Thus Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni during the communications to the Council of Ministers.

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Another hot front is that «The Mattei Plan is a plan of national scope, which responds to our national interest in creating a new model of development and partnership with Africa, and restoring to Italy the centrality that has historically been its own in the Mediterranean. But it is imagined as a strategic plan that should also go beyond the duration of this Government». Giorgia Meloni, according to what has been learned, said this during her communications to the Council of Ministers, adding that «this is why I hope that it is considered this way by everyone, starting with the political forces that are in opposition today and that up to now, in my opinion, have had a prejudicial closure on this issue». «We shared it with Parliament – continues the Prime Minister referring to the Mattei Plan – precisely to listen to the opposition and hope that at least on this we could all work together. Up to now it has not happened but I still hope it can happen in the future».

#centers #Albania #model #Tempo
2024-08-31 14:35:11



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