The CCE calls for respecting the will of citizens and avoiding overrepresentation

The CCE calls for respecting the will of citizens and avoiding overrepresentation

The Business Coordinating Council asked the National Electoral Institute to avoid the Overrepresentation of Morena and its allies with the allocation of plurinominal deputies.

In a statement, the CCE noted that “the electoral authorities have the historical responsibility to decide based on the citizen’s will expressed at the polls,” since “what is at stake in this decision is the preservation of democratic balancesrespect for the popular vote and, therefore, the political representation of the country.”

The business organization noted that “it is the spirit that, from our perspective, must prevail in the face of allocation and overrepresentation limits”.

The businessmen asked both the INE and the Electoral Court (TEPJF) to “carry out the assignment of the plurinominal deputies through a sensible, fair, balanced interpretation and attached to the Constitution and the will of the people.”

The CCE calls for respecting the will of citizens and avoiding overrepresentation

With this statement, the president Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador He lashed out at businessmen, accusing them of asking for “the Constitution to be violated.”

“I am very sorry that the Business Coordinating Council is asking for the Constitution to be violated. In short, they are first and foremost, shamelessly defining themselves by corruption and they do not want a genuine rule of law, they want a crooked state,” said the president.

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2024-08-28 03:39:09



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