“The Catalans would leave, because we are fed up”

“The Catalans would leave, because we are fed up”

Celia Villalobos talks regarding the Government’s position regarding a hypothetical self-determination referendum in Catalonia. In her opinion, if the Executive “had been a little more coherent,” “well, you can believe it,” but not following what happened with the pardons and amnesty. This last measure, she maintains, “is not in the Constitution” and “the majority of Spaniards believe that it is a bad solution, especially for a so-called left-wing party, because it goes absolutely once morest equality between citizens.” .

Thus, he maintains that, if Pedro Sánchez “may be interested in the referendum at a certain time, he will do so.” However, he defends that “if they held a referendum it would have to be at the national level, not just in Catalonia.” “If there were a referendum throughout Spain,” continues Villalobos, “the Catalans would leave, but not because the Catalans voted for it, but because Andalusia, Extremadura would vote for it…”. “Because we’re fed up,” he says.

“The rest of Spain is fed up,” insists Villalobos, who nevertheless affirms that, for his part, he hopes “that there is no type of referendum.” “Spanish society, beyond Catalonia, is up to its nose,” he reiterates. “We are all so entangled in the Catalan issue that people are a little tired of this situation,” he adds.

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