The Case of Ahn Hae-wook: Dismissal of Arrest Warrant and Legal Implications

2024-02-04 07:52:27

The court dismissed the arrest warrant for Ahn Hae-wook, former president of the Korea Elementary School Taekwondo Association, who was indicted for raising suspicions regarding the so-called ‘Julie’ private life of first lady Kim Kun-hee. He believed there was no concern regarding destroying evidence or running away. An arrest warrant requested by the police has already been rejected at the prosecution stage once, but there is analysis that the prosecution may have unreasonably requested an arrest warrant this time.

According to the results of the substantive review of the arrest warrant for former Chairman Ahn, which was reported to Media Today on the 2nd by Criminal Public Relations Judge Lee Hwa-song of the Seoul Central District Court, Lee Min-soo, the chief judge in charge of the arrest warrant at the Seoul Central District Court, found that the Seoul Central District Court violated the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection (defamation). ) announced that the arrest warrant for former Chairman Ahn on charges had been dismissed.

Regarding the reasons for dismissal, Chief Judge Lee Min-soo said, “The suspect has a fixed residence, is attending all criminal trials without detention on charges similar to this case, and physical evidence of the suspect’s statements, such as video files, is secured. “It is difficult to say that there is a risk of destruction of evidence,” he said. “In relation to separate cases where the facts and legal issues are the same or similar to the current case, the prosecution, separately from the police, has been conducting an investigation without detention on the suspect for a considerable period of time before this case, and is currently doing so without detention. “The investigation is still ongoing.”

Chief Judge Lee said, “Considering this, the progress of the investigation and trial of this case and separate cases to date, the status of evidence collection, and the progress of the investigation and trial expected to proceed in the future for each case, etc. “It is difficult to say that there is a risk that the former chairman will destroy evidence or run away.”

▲Ahn Hae-wook, former president of the Korea Elementary School Taekwondo Association, who was indicted for raising suspicions regarding the so-called Julie of President Yoon Seok-yeol’s wife, Kim Kun-hee, answered reporters’ questions while attending the substantive examination of an arrest warrant on charges of defamation under the Information and Communications Act at the Seoul Central District Court on the 1st. I’m doing it. ⓒYonhap News

Regarding this, there is an analysis that the prosecutors’ and police’s unreasonable efforts to arrest former Chairman Ahn only increased the media’s interest. Attorney Jeong Cheol-seung posted on his Facebook page on the 2nd, “Requesting an arrest warrant for Chairman Ahn Hae-wook was legally unreasonable, but above all, it was extremely dangerous in that it spread the perception that Chairman Ahn’s claims might be credible.” He wrote, “If Mrs. Kim (Kim Kun-hee) had asked me for advice, I would have advised her to leave Chairman Ahn alone.” Attorney Jeong said, “However, on the contrary, those around Kim constantly accused and harassed Chairman Ahn, making Chairman Ahn make even more harsh(?) revelations.” He added, “Then, they even tried to arrest Chairman Ahn Hae-wook to silence him, and he was arrested. “It made it appear in all media outlets,” he analyzed.

Attorney Jeong wrote, “I think the Daegu District Prosecutors’ Office, who thwarted the police’s attempt to arrest Chairman Ahn last June, may have been thinking regarding what was best for Mrs. Kim,” and added, “But they all had to take off their clothes.” He said, “The seriousness of this incident lies in the fact that it raises suspicions that the national affairs of this country may also be led by such foolish people.”

In relation to this, the prosecution dismissed the police’s application for an arrest warrant in June last year, but this time did not provide a specific position on why the warrant request was requested from the court. On the 31st of last month, Kim Jong-woo, public information officer at the Seoul Central District Prosecutors’ Office, responded via SNS messenger to Media Today’s inquiry regarding the prosecution’s request for a warrant for former Chairman Ahn, the reasons for the National Police Agency’s warrant request, and why the warrant that was rejected in June of last year was requested this time. He did not confirm anything by saying, “Please understand that we are unable to explain to reporters the details related to the warrant applied for by the police.”

Previously, on August 11 last year, the People Power Party Media Law Group reported YouTubers Kang Jin-gu, Park Dae-yong, and Ahn Hae-wook, who spread false information regarding First Lady Kim Kun-hee, to the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency on charges of defamation under the Information and Communications Network Act.

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