Three females and one male settled in their new cozy home with a house, a green area and a swimming pool for recreation on the territory of Zoopark Burgas. The exotic representatives are unique in Bulgaria. The zoo said that they had been waiting for more than half a year to arrive from another European zoo. In order to be transported, the animals had to be at least six months old. Burgas Zoo is also preparing a contact area for capybaras, where visitors will be able to take pictures with them and feed them by hand. They are gentle and friendly. They can also communicate well with small children. Weighing between 35 and 65 kilograms, capybaras are the largest rodents in the world. They are active mainly early in the morning and late in the evening, during the rest of the time they prefer to rest in shelters that are on land or in the water. They are excellent swimmers and divers. They are also recognized as one of the most social and kind animals in the world. The South American species of rodents also like to socialize with other different types of animals.