the cantons want more consultation in the event of a crisis

The cantonal governments want to be consulted more in the future by the Confederation in the event of a crisis comparable to that of the coronavirus. In their final report on the joint management of the pandemic, they presented proposals for improvement.

Set up a staff that integrates the cantons

Among the 15 measures proposed, the exchange between the Confederation and the cantons must be intensified and institutionalized further upstream of decisions, suggests the Conference of Cantonal Governments (CGC) in its report made public on Friday in Zurich. In crisis situations, the Confederation is asked to set up a permanent crisis staff which includes the cantons.

Improving crisis communication

The CGC also wants an improvement in crisis communication. Confederation, cantons and municipalities must coordinate more in decision-making and agree on central messages and communication measures, and then stick to them. This will prevent the population from being confronted with different and sometimes contradictory messages.



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