The candidates for Buenos Aires head of government must define their formula companions

2023-08-17 01:13:00

While the Electoral Justice finalizes the final scrutiny of the PASO elections, the political alliances of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires they must finalize the selection of the running mates for head of government. Once the results have been delivered to the proxies, the parties They legally only have 48 hours to notify who the deputy bosses will be of their candidates.

Unlike the presidential elections or to elect the Buenos Aires governor, where the formulas are registered complete from the beginning, the Buenos Aires elections have the particularity that in the electoral offer, which is offered through the electronic system, only the names of the candidates for head of government appearwithout their vices.

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This feature gives political parties and their candidates the flexibility to continue the strategic planning shortly following the election, with the possibility of even expanding the alliances that will go to the general ones. This includes the internal sectors that were defeated in the STEPbeing able to invite a representative of that space to be part of a potential unity formula.

In this way, parties that have gone through a fierce internal struggle, as was the case of Together for Change, can suture political wounds and thus protect the entire coalition with the same objective, without leaks or possible collateral damage.

Jorge Macri’s formula

In the case of the Juntos por el Cambio candidate, Jorge Macri, favorite to win general elections, will have the opportunity to incorporate into the formula a representative close to Horacio Rodriguez Larretawho during the campaign played veiledly in favor of his opponent, the radical Martín Lousteau.

The decision will be made by Jorge Macrialthough he will hear opinions from macrismo and bullrichism —which gave him key support in his victory over Lousteau—, and also from larretism.

Who bites the bullet is Soledad Acuña, the Buenos Aires Minister of Education who had launched herself as a possible head of the Buenos Aires Government, until dropped last may. Although she is part of Rodríguez Larreta’s cabinet, she has arrived at pure macrismo and that hybrid profile places her in good condition to obtain the position.

Soledad Acuña is one of the main candidates to accompany Jorge Macri as deputy head of the Government of Buenos Aires

Another name that gained strength is that of the national deputy Ricardo López Murphy, who agreed to be part of the team of Patricia Bullrich. The “Bulldog” had been tested by the PRO presidential candidate as a potential minister of a new cambiemite government, but the possibility of being deputy head of the Buenos Aires government opens the spectrum of possibilities for the liberal economist.

For the liberal wing, the Buenos Aires legislator Roberto García Moritán also sounds, who, like López Murphy, lowered his candidacy for Buenos Aires head of government so as not to hinder the chances of Jorge Macri in his internal dispute with Lousteau. Finally, the internal was defined by just a point and a halfand a loss of votes from the right might have left Mauricio Macri’s cousin out of the race.

Roberto Garcia Moritan
Mauricio Macri convinced Roberto García Moritán to drop his candidacy for head of the Buenos Aires government

In this sense, Jorge Macri might repay García Moritán’s favor by offering him the vice candidacy. However, there is also talk of a position for the legislator in an eventual cabinet, in addition to integration into the Legislature.

Finally, although running from behind, there is the possibility of incorporating a figure of Buenos Aires radicalism into the formula. The name that came to them is that of Mariela Coletta, candidate for national deputy for Together for Change and the first woman to preside over the UCR of the Federal Capital.

Who will accompany Leandro Santoro as Deputy Head of Government

The candidate for head of government of the Union for the Fatherland, Leandro Santoro, has already announced that the formula that he leads will be completed by a womanalthough the name has not yet been published.

As Santoro declared some time ago, it is not a decision that passes entirely through him, but must be submitted to the discussion of the leadership that makes up the head of the PJ Buenos Aires, Mariano Recalde (The Campora), Juan Manuel Olmos (New Participation Space) and the president of the PJ Congress, Victor Santa Maria (space “UMET”).

“I have two or three companions in mind. The people I admire the most and I think can complement me in the formula are women. We will have to see when we agree with the rest of the political forces who is the one who synthesizes the best or the one who synthesizes the best. No I can anticipate names because it is not a decision that only the candidate for head of government makes,” he had declared some time ago.

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Most likely, the person who accompanies him comes from the ranks of some Peronist group, since he comes from radicalism and a mixed formula in terms of political identities, it would give more breadth to the electoral offer of Unión por la Patria.

Who will accompany Ramiro Marra in his Buenos Aires formula

On the other hand, in the case of Ramiro Marra, from La Libertad Avanza, no indications have yet emerged as to how his formula might be completed. The only thing that is known is that it has already been agreed that Javier Milei will not interfere in the decision, which will go exclusively through what the team of the right-wing Buenos Aires legislator and leader of the Argentine Anti-Piquetero Movement.

Who will accompany Vanina Biasi in her Buenos Aires formula

Finally, the candidate for head of government of the Left Front, Vanina Biasi (Partido Obrero), will probably select a member of the Socialist Movement of Workers (MST) as a partner in the formula, depending on the internal alliance they formed to compete internally once morest the PTS and Socialist Left candidates.


#candidates #Buenos #Aires #government #define #formula #companions



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