With our correspondent in Dakar, Charlotte Idrac
The Islamic Institute of Dakar was full on Tuesday, March 7. The imams, ulemas or their emissaries came from the 14 regions and 46 departments of the country. “The time is serious” for the president of the Association, Imam El Hadj Oumar Diène: ” Our country is going through a difficult time, shaken by a wind of uncontrolled phenomena, of aggressive words, threatening its stability. Let us favor good citizenship and dialogue, while respecting the laws that govern our institutions. »
In a context marked by legal proceedings once morest opponent Ousmane Sonko – for charges of rape and defamation –, by the silence of President Macky Sall on a possible candidacy for a third term, and calls for the ” résistance » or « in combat », Imam Moctar Ndiaye calls for responsibility:
« We launch a solemn appeal to the political actors so that peace and stability can truly reign by the horizon 2024. Here, in Senegal, we are regulators, unifiers, moderators who are very listened to. We are also launching an appeal for respect for religious leaders, so that they are not stigmatized. »
A call that will be relayed in the mosques for prayer, this Friday, March 10.