The Call for Calm: Dedi Shamchi Urges “Hashabers” to Embrace Quietude

The Call for Calm: Dedi Shamchi Urges “Hashabers” to Embrace Quietude

While the north is being bombarded by Hezbollah, bombs are also falling in the Channel 12 news studio, in the Friday edition. Yesterday (Friday) it was the former head of the Shin Bet, Nadav Argman who dropped a new bomb when he said that after the October failure, the current head of the Shin Bet Ronan Bar should resign and so should the government and its leader.

It is quite rare in our districts that such a senior security officer calls for the resignation of his replacement. It takes considerable courage to express such a position, especially in view of the cowardly silence of other security officials, none of whom dares to say out loud that Netanyahu is not qualified to lead.

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Friday studio 12 (photo: screenshot N12)

Argaman called the “Philadelphia pivot speech” delivered by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu this week at the press conference – “the best show in town.” He claimed that Netanyahu and that the excessive importance he attaches to that axis is throwing sand in the eyes of the public, and its purpose is one: to continue to preserve the survival of his Messianic government, even at the cost of leaving the abductees to their deaths.

In my opinion, the best show in town (no less than the one mentioned by Argaman), took place yesterday in front of our eyes, among the panelists, from the moment Argaman dropped the bomb.

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the journalist morning coralwho recently left News 13 and joined the competing channel, probably wants to prove that joining the channel will pay off and contribute to the ratings. That’s why he chose to join the chorus of nervous screamers and exploded on Crimson’s words. Booker attacked Argaman, claiming that he took part in the wrong conception and as the former head of the Shin Bet, he should have turned the tables and resigned when he saw that the prime minister did not heed his warnings that Hamas was far from deterred and therefore needed to eliminate its leaders. According to Almog Booker, Argaman is just as responsible, October holocaust.

Booker’s claim is stupid and without any basis. Why did Scarlet have to resign? Just because he thought differently from the Prime Minister and dared to warn him? So, all the critics, and they are many, should resign if their view is not adopted? What’s more, the October failure didn’t happen during Nadav Argaman‘s shift, so where did this nonsense come from?

Dedi Simchi visits Nadav Argman in the Friday edition of News 12, September 24 (Photo: Keshet 12)

Dedi Shamchiwho left a strong impression on me in last week’s Friday edition, when he saw fit to explain the importance of the Philadelphia axis in contrast to the position of the other commentators – this time he was severely disappointed. I say this despite the deep appreciation I have for the man who killed his brave son Guy, the hero of the war, whose body Simchai rescued with his own hands, one of those powerful events that will be etched deeply in the national memory.

Simchi made his embarrassing blunder in the Friday studio, when he reinforced Almog Booker’s words and said that he would have preferred this week to talk more about unity, and added without blinking that it would be better for all the “formers”, like Nadav Argaman, to remain silent, that is, to remain silent. Simchi complains about the “pasts” from his position as a live commentator, when on the stage his own title as a former sub-champion is proudly emblazoned on the stage.

Can’t the camel see its own hump? Is there more absurd theater than this, when the “former” asks the “former” to shut up? Is only Simchi, the former head of the Home Front Command Staff, allowed to criticize, while Nadav Argaman, who served as the former head of the Shin Bet, is not allowed to speak just because he dares to attack and criticize the Prime Minister?

Nadav Argaman (photo: Keshet 12 screenshot)

I don’t see how there is any note of unity in Shamchi’s criticism, which calls on the “formers” to be careful with their words and to take care of unity. After all, he is not in a hurry to give praise to a man who held such an important and esteemed position and made his contribution to the people and the country. What kind of unity is Shamchi talking about when he himself says that the entire staff level needs to be replaced in order to return the abductees?

Danny KushmaroShdadi Simchi portrays himself as a Bibi fan, stung Simchi with a question: Does he think that along the way the defense minister and the prime minister should also be replaced?

not to mention Nir Debori who jumped like a snakebite to hear Shamchi’s statement about the need to replace the General Staff echelon, and asked how he dares to blame the military echelon, when “the same echelon put on the table of the political echelon” the importance and need to replace the Hamas rule in Gaza, and the political echelon did not bother to deal with this important issue.

Israel Ziv He joined the criticism against Simchai and said: “I think it is very serious to blame the military echelon for the failure of the deal.”

even Michal Kaifan With her typical gentleness, she did not hold back this time and defied Shamchi, who, when he claims that everyone wants to see the abductees, actually absolves from responsibility those who do not do enough to return them. She meant the prime minister, without naming him directly. She even added evidence to her claim and said that Channel 14 executives told the parents of the female observers that if Netanyahu promoted a deal to release the abductees, his government would fall apart. She wanted to say that Netanyahu was motivated by foreign considerations and even Channel 14 executives (Bibi supporters) admitted this.

Shamchi, who seemed dismayed by all the grumbling that gripped his panel members, recalculated the course and made it clear that of course everyone had to be replaced, both the military and political ranks. And I wonder, if they continued to pressure him, maybe he would also recommend replacing the entire nation?

Simchi didn’t just recalculate the route, but rather a sharp U-turn, and decided to travel quickly and without delays towards the elections now, because after all, we are in a democracy (good morning Eliyahu). I wonder if I didn’t speed him up the road to join politics as soon as possible.

Admit that the commentators of the panel did a good job when they were able to tilt Shamchi to the desired path. It should be noted that they are more effective than the members of the coalition who lack resources and spines, who are afraid to exert their influence on the prime minister, and say “Amen” after every word, apache, or comma, that his mouth emits.

The response to Nadav Argaman’s attack on the Prime Minister was not long in coming. Netanyahu’s office said: “Argman, who encouraged resistance and said that the Palestinian Authority does not encourage terrorism, has lost all touch with reality and this is reflected in this delusional interview.”

Crimson has lost all touch with reality? Come on, says someone who has mistaken the date of the seventh of October, when the greatest disaster in the history of the State of Israel happened several times.

**PAA Related Questions for “Nadav Argaman’s Courageous Stance: A Call for Accountability in Israeli Politics”:**

Nadav Argaman’s Courageous Stance: A Call for Accountability in Israeli Politics

As the‌ north of Israel faces bombardment⁤ from Hezbollah, a different kind of bombshell dropped‍ in ‌the ​Channel 12 ‌news studio last Friday. Nadav Argaman, the former head of Israel’s Shin Bet security agency,​ made a bold statement, calling​ for the resignation of the current head of the Shin Bet, Ronan Bar, as ⁤well⁢ as the government and its leader, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. This rare display of courage from a senior security official has sparked a necessary conversation about accountability in Israeli politics.

Argaman’s criticism ⁤was directed at Netanyahu’s “Philadelphia ‌pivot speech”​ delivered at a press conference, which he termed “the best show in town.” He claimed ⁤that Netanyahu’s⁣ emphasis on the Philadelphia corridor was a distraction from ​the real issues,‍ and that its purpose‌ was to ⁤preserve his⁣ government’s survival, even at ⁣the cost of ‍leaving ​abductees to their deaths [[1]].

This criticism was met‌ with resistance from some quarters, including⁣ Almog Booker, a journalist who attacked Argaman, claiming that he ⁤was⁣ responsible for the October failure ​and should have resigned when⁤ he saw that the prime⁣ minister did not heed his warnings about Hamas ‌ [[2]]. ⁣However, this criticism‍ is unfounded, as Argaman’s term did not overlap with the October⁢ failure, and ​it is unfair to expect him to resign simply because his ⁤warnings were ‌not ​heeded.

Dedi ‌Shamchi, a ⁤former ‌head of the Home ‍Front Command Staff, also faced criticism for his comments on the issue. He ‍suggested that Argaman and other “formers” should remain silent, rather ⁢than speaking out against the government. This stance is hypocritical

– What are the reasons behind Nadav Argaman’s call for the resignation of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu amid the ongoing security crisis in Israel?

Former Shin Bet Chief Nadav Argaman Calls for Government Resignation Amid Security Crisis

As the north of Israel faces bombardment from Hezbollah, a former head of the Shin Bet, Nadav Argaman, has dropped a bombshell by calling for the resignation of the current government and its leader, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. This rare and courageous move has sparked controversy and debate among security officials and journalists.

In a recent interview, Argaman criticized Netanyahu’s stance on the Philadelphi corridor, claiming that the Prime Minister’s excessive emphasis on the issue is a distraction from the real security concerns and a ploy to preserve his government’s survival, even at the cost of leaving abductees to their deaths [[3]]. Argaman’s words have been met with both praise and criticism, with some commending his bravery and others accusing him of being responsible for the October failure [[2]].

One of Argaman’s critics is journalist Almog Booker, who attacked Argaman’s stance, claiming that as the former head of the Shin Bet, he should have resigned when he saw that his warnings about Hamas were not heeded by Netanyahu [[2]]. However, this criticism has been met with skepticism, as Argaman’s warnings were given during a different period, and it is unclear why he should have resigned simply for expressing a differing opinion.

Another critic, Dedi Simchi, a former head of the Home Front Command Staff, has also faced backlash for his comments on the issue. Despite having praised Argaman in the past, Simchi has now said that it would be better for all “formers,” including Argaman, to remain silent [[2]]. This statement has been met with ridicule, as Simchi’s own title as a former sub-champion is proudly displayed on the stage, making his criticism of Argaman hypocritical.

The controversy surrounding Argaman’s comments has highlighted the cowardly silence of other security officials, who have failed to speak out against Netanyahu’s leadership [[1]]. It takes considerable courage to express dissenting opinions, especially in the face of adversity.

Nadav Argaman’s call for government resignation has sparked a heated debate about security, leadership, and accountability in Israel. While some have praised his bravery, others have criticized him for speaking out. As the situation in the north continues to deteriorate, it remains to be seen whether Argaman’s words will inspire change or fall on deaf ears.


[1] Former Shin Bet Chief calls to replace ‘Netanyahu’s disastrous …

[2] The paving of a former Shin Bet chief’s path in politics

[3] Netanyahu’s stance on Philadelphi corridor driven by fear of government collapse, says former Shin Bet chief



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