The Buenos Aires PJ rejected Scioli’s claims: “The internal regulations are not anyone’s whim”

2023-06-17 17:47:00

He PJ Bonaerense rejected the claims of “space of Daniel Osvaldo Scioli and Alberto Ángel Fernández“Regarding the internal regulations of Union for the Fatherland and stated that the rules “they are not anyone’s whim“, but “a collective construction”.

After several public proposals, mainly from the ministers Aníbal Fernández and Victoria Tolosa Pazthe party chaired by maximum kirchner He appealed to social networks to go out and answer those questions and involved the President.

“Given the public demonstrations from the space of Daniel Osvaldo Scioli and Alberto Ángel Fernández, we clarify that the regulation of Union for the Fatherland It is published on the website of the electoral front that this party integrates together with all the necessary documentation for the presentation of lists in each category,” said the PJ from Buenos Aires.

A survey places Unión por la Patria first in Buenos Aires and Scioli as the candidate with the best image

And he added: “The distribution of national, provincial and municipal positions corresponding to minorities is informed and known to all the parties that sign the Constitutive Act of the Electoral Front.”

Likewise, the party led by the leader of La Cámpora remarked that “at the meeting of the Electoral Board of Union for the Fatherland -held on Thursday, June 15- and at the request of the representatives of the lists of national deputies for the PBA and provincial executive position of said sector, the distribution of positions and places was informed”.

“It should be made clear that the rules of the game established in the regulations by the group are not the whim of anyone. These are proposals made by the parties at the time of integrating and forming the front. It is a collective construction. It is not the pre-candidates’ power to modify them according to their opinion and convenience,” he concluded.

What is the claim for the distribution floor for the minority in the Buenos Aires lists in Unión por la Patria

This is the criterion for applicants for the minority join the final list of national deputies in the general elections on October 22.

From the sector made up of sciolismo, Tolosa Paz and leaders close to President Alberto Fernández object that in the councilor category the first applicant on the list who loses in the PASO joins the final list in position 7, behind the first 6 candidates from the winning list, when in the category of national deputies the first name of the minority will be integrated in position 4, after 3 names of the majority, according to what they told the agency telam from the environment of the minister.

own Toulouse Peace referred to this issue in radio statements, in which he demanded that in the internal competition for “provincial and local positions” the “same floors and the same historical distribution for minorities” be applied as in national positions, “but we We found -he pointed out- that in the Provincial Board (of UxP) there is an article that says that councilors begin to be distributed from seventh place”.

Daniel Scioli and Victoria Tolosa Paz in campaign.

I understand this was a mix up“, added the official, and assured that her space is working “so that between now and June 19 this does not happen, because it would be violating the constitutional principle of representation of minorities of our Constitution.”

The level nationalhe constitutive act of UxP and signed by more than 25 representatives of the parties that make up the electoral front establishes in its 10th clause the criteria for the integration of the minority in the definitive list of candidates for national deputies that will compete in the general elections.

There it says that for the list to come out second in the primaries and “get more than 30% of the valid votes castthe integration of the minority will take place intercalating in the starting places 4th, 9th, 12th, 17th, 22nd, 27th and 32nd”.

But it’s about the agreed criteria for national positionsbecause for the lists of deputies or senators from Buenos Aires, as well as for the Deliberative Councils of the 135 municipalities, the constitutive act of the UxP of the province of Buenos Aires poses a different parameter to distribute places between majority and minority.

On Friday night, in a new visit to the channel C5N, Tolosa Paz insisted on his claim noting that their space is “waiting for an act, which is the regulation” and that “they continue to appeal to see the act constituted, and that they appeal to democratization and participation.”

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From the other space of the coalition they consider the proposal of the Minister of Social Development not very solid: in the team of collaborators of Máximo Kirchner they even maintain that the regulation was endorsed by a representative of the duo Scioli-Tolosa Paz.

“It is a lie that the agreement is not respected. Yes, it is respected. The problem is that the sciolismo was only in charge of negotiating the national deputies because they did not care about the armed forces of the Buenos Aires territorybut the only thing they wanted is to be able to include one or two deputies,” he told the news agency telam one of the members of the Buenos Aires UxP Electoral Board.

And in this line, when answering about the criteria of integration of the minority for provincial positions, from the space integrated by kirchnerismo and massismo they remarked that what it was agreed in Buenos Aires territory “it is not against anyone and it is just what was agreed in the meeting”.

“It is not understood why they are protesting now, if what the regulation says is the same as signed by the leader they (for the Scioli sector) sent,” they added in dialogue with the agency telam.

Endorsements, another point of conflict in Unión por la Patria

Another point that could lead to a short circuit is the presentation requirement of around two thousand guarantees (that is, firms affiliated with the UxP member parties) that must present the lists that intend to compete in the UxP primary.

In this point, the requirement appears more complex for the space of Scioli and Tolosa Paz because the internal regulations of the coalition imposes presenting “up to 50% affiliated to the PJ” and at least “20% affiliated to the Frente Renovador, Nuevo Encuentro, Partido para la Victoria, Kolina and Frente Grande” parties.

These last five parties, with national legal status, correspond to massismo (FR) and the four national forces of Kirchnerism that in 2017 founded Unidad Ciudadana.

The procedure, therefore, will force the sector made up of Scioli, Tolosa Paz and several references of Albertism to seek affiliates to the Partido de la Victoria, Kolina, Frente Grande or Nuevo Encuentro endorse the presentation of the list: in the last hours of Friday the version circulated that there is a gentlemen’s agreement and that the candidacy of the ambassador in Brazil will finally have these signatures, the agency reported. telam.

Cristina and Maximo Kirchner.

Lastly, the internal regulations of the brand new coalition of Peronism with its allies -published this Friday on the official website sets a very big challenge for any list that intends to compete in the PASO: it prevents the electoral format that summed up in the famous “Y”.

This implies that in the municipal category a candidate for mayor may not apply simultaneously on the lists of the two sectors that compete in the other categories: President, Senate, national deputies, governor, provincial legislators.

Thus, the regulation establishes that “the representatives of the list of Pre-candidates for mayor may request to add their ballot to a single internal list of pre-candidates for governor“.

In the same sense, it adds: “The proxies of the list of pre-candidates for provincial legislators by section may only request the adhesion of the ballot to a single list of pre-candidates for governor.”

In both cases, the power to admit the adherence of a list of provincial legislators or mayor is in the hands of the representative of the pre-candidate for governor, who “can only authorize the adhesion to his ballot of a single list.”


#Buenos #Aires #rejected #Sciolis #claims #internal #regulations #anyones #whim

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