The Buenos Aires Minister of Security has the solution against the pickets: “You have to avoid intermediaries”

Eugenio Burzaconuevo Buenos Aires Minister of Securitydefined this Sunday that “you have to take out the brokerage” carried out by the social organizations of the social plans, and assured that this measure would allow ” lowering the amount of marches and protests that affect the City of Buenos Aires”.

“Many of the organizers force them to go, they take children, they take pregnant mothers to the marches, all issues that we know are not good for the family context,” defined the Buenos Aires official who replaced the questioned Marcelo D’Alessandrowhose cell phone chats were hacked and exposed an alleged influence peddling network that even went to court.

“We know very well that many go to the marches because if not, they will take away their plans. We must take out the intermediation of social plans. If someone needs a benefit, they have to receive it directly and not from an organization,” said the Buenos Aires minister. .

Victoria Tolosa Paz pointed out once morest Belliboni: “There is no need to argue using the poorest people”

For Burzaco, the State “has to regulate” when there is a “collision” between a group’s right to protest in the street, and the rights to travel, work and educate others. In dialogue with “If it happens, it happens” hosted by Ignacio Ortelli, a cycle broadcast by Radio Rivadavia, the minister continued with his presentation. “Those who demonstrate have to coordinate and then comply with what corresponds. They cannot cut all the roads, they have to leave a free lane, they cannot cut the Metrobús, public transport,” he said.

“And if they do, the organizers have to have economic fines, and if they generate violence, they will have prison terms,” ​​he threatened. For Burzaco there should be a law that “allows judges to act quickly.”

Belliboni responded to Tolosa Paz: “Let the minister leave the country, there is a lack of work in the neighborhoods”

In relation to the free carrying of weapons, one of the workhorses of certain sectors such as reinsurance of personal security, Burzaco spoke out once morest the free carrying and possession of lethal weapons, since he considers that this situation is “dangerous “. The matter had been raised by deputy Javier Milei days ago. “The free possession of weapons is dangerous. The regulation has to be clear. I always say that you have to be very careful in arming yourself. You have to be trained and prepared. Not anyone can arm you,” said Burzaco.

As he explained, “the most liberal countries in this are not the ones that do best in situations of crime and violence. That does not mean that there are no situations where it deserves to have it and that is what the State is for, to regulate it and so on,” he clarified, although he insisted that he “would be careful to tell the population to arm themselves. Argentina continues to have a low homicide rate. We have to maintain it, reduce the levels of violence. For me, the issue is not so much regarding arming people but rather in hitting the drug organizations,” the minister concluded.

Source: NA


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