The Buenos Aires Government announced that it will advance in a reform towards an integrated national health system

At the end of 2020, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner had publicly stated the need to “go to an integrated national health system between the public, the private and the social works that optimizes resources”.

Under this guideline, Kicillof explained that this reform was delayed by the arrival of the coronavirusqualified by the provincial president as a “catastrophe”.

“The health system, both with equipment and medicines, benefits, generate huge business. We are ahead of a system that cannot be poor because immense resources are mobilizedgenerates returns of the largest in the world”, he stated during the closing of the Buenos Aires Provincial Health Congress.

In this context, he argued that “There is a discussion regarding those resources and regarding where those resources go. We have a system that generates poverty on one side and wealth on the other. The resources are there, we have to distribute them better”.



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