The Buenos Aires Government and Grabois crossed Adorni for his criticism after the massacre in La Matanza

2024-01-16 05:07:00

After the comments made by the presidential spokesperson, Manuel Adorniwho criticized Axel Kicillof’s management for this Sunday’s massacre in La Matanza, saying that “the State is not so present in those places,” The provincial government crossed it, ensuring that “it is disrespectful to ignore a tragedy that left us 5 dead.”. For his part, the social leader Juan Grabois He postulated that “guaranteeing that any family can access a lot without risking their lives is everyone’s duty.”

In the morning, Adorni had questioned Kicillof’s management at the press conference: “Evidently, the State is not so present in those places. They have done so much publicity for the present State and suddenly we see people killing themselves in the district of La Matanza to have a piece of land.”. He also stated that the Nation was “dismayed by the number of deaths and injuries,” stating that they consider it to be a “painful and regrettable event,” mainly because of the “context in which it occurred,” but they clarified that They understand “that it is a strictly provincial issue”.

Three “delegates” fired more than 40 shots on a plot of land taken, resulting in 5 deaths and 8 injuries.

“It is disrespectful to ignore a tragedy that left us 5 dead. We respond by working. We already heard responses of this type in the face of the Bahía Blanca catastrophe, where we are still waiting for help from the national government.”responded from the provincial Security portfolio in communication with TNin reference to the tragic storm of December 16 that left 13 dead and housing destruction that impacted more than 90 thousand people.

The massacre occurred on Sunday followingnoon, in the 8 de Diciembre neighborhood, in the town of González Catán. The subdivision of a square for sale was the trigger for the neighborhood discussion, in which three “delegates” from the area fired more than 40 shots in a plot of land taken, an event that left 5 dead under the age of 30, including a 16-year-old teenager, and 8 injured. In the middle of the shooting there were entire families with children and the neighbors defined the episode as an “ambush” that was planned. For their part, the bishoprics of San Justo and Gregorio de Laferrere expressed solidarity with the victims and pointed out once morest the “organizations of evil and crime” who act “with impunity.”

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“The need and urgency should be that there is land for Argentines,” Grabois demanded.

The social leader Juan Grabois This Monday he described the murders as “unforgivable massacre” perpetrated on Sunday in the Buenos Aires town of González Catán once morest five people who were “fighting for a piece of land” and criticized the presidential spokesperson, Manuel Adorni, by stating that “the need and urgency” of the Government “should be” that there be “land for Argentines” and “not to draw up standards so that it can be delivered to any multinational.”

Guaranteeing that any family can access a lot without risking their lives is everyone’s duty., that in each neighborhood there is a minimum level of dignity as well. The need and urgency should be that: that there be land for Argentines, not to draw up regulations so that Argentine land can be handed over to any multinational,” Grabois said Monday followingnoon on his social network account X (formerly Twitter ), in a message in which He asked to solve the problem “among all”.

The representative of the Movement of Excluded Workers (MTE) and the Frente Patria Grande stated that “a plot for each family is not that difficult in a country with one inhabitant for every ten hectares” and criticized Adorni, stating that the massacre “is not a strictly provincial event.” “It cannot be that almost any ruler – national, provincial, municipal – takes this issue as a priority, because, Mr. Adorni, I am sorry to tell you that it is not a ‘strictly provincial’ fact.: that in Argentina there are people dying for a piece of land to live on should embarrass any leader of any political party,” he highlighted.

Grabois: “If we continue pushing half the town into a garbage dump without opportunities, shit is going to splash all over us”

Although Grabois indicated that he preferred Adorni’s “brutality” Rather than “indifference, hypocrisy and silence,” the social leader stressed that “behind this unforgivable massacre” there is an “accumulation of dehumanization” that “will not appear” in “police chronicles or opportunistic comments“in which he located that of the presidential spokesperson, for seek that the fact be implemented “vilely to obtain political advantages”. “But people can’t crawl under the carpet like dust forever,” she warned.

“If as a society we continue to push half the town into a garbage dump without opportunities, shit is going to splash on us all”, he asserted. “First to us, for sure, because we are there, on the side,” Grabois clarified and added: “Second to the entire national and popular field, Peronism, from the last militant to the governor, we are the ones who should solve the problem because We said we were in this life to fight for social justice. But in the long run, to you, Adornito you Pérez, the shit is going to splash on you too.”

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Few want to get involved in the issue because it doesn’t get votes, it brings problems. When there is an initiative like ARCAS so that those from below can have land peacefully and legally, everything is tinged with suspicion and xenophobia: ‘the Grabois neighborhood’, ‘they want to fill Mar del Plata with blacks from La Matanza’. Before it was the ‘ once morest by Milagro Sala’; Before, they were the greasers who used the parquet to barbecue. So, politicians say ‘why am I going to get into this mess’… Better to do nothing, to see if decent people get angry, to see if we lose votes“criticized the former presidential candidate.

Likewise, he spoke with what was expressed by Javier Milei’s spokesperson, when he summarized that the tragedy was “people killing each other for a piece of land.” “Indeed, the cause of this massacre was the fight for a miserable piece of land in a totally unhealthy terrain., a rough place without electricity or sewers or anything. The families of the neighborhood, terrified by the massacre, while begging for justice, despair that an eviction does not take place. They prefer to live in that bloody land rather than nothing. It is like this, this is the true political violence that the country is experiencing” Grabois analyzed.


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