The budget for renovation grants is dry again in Brussels

2023-09-04 14:15:12

The coffers of Urban, which grants part of the Renolution bonuses in the Brussels Region, are empty once more.

The payment of some renovation grants (Renolution) is waiting once more Brussels region. Urbanwhose budget was already exhausted at the end of May, faces the same budgetary problem a few weeks following having bailed out the coffers.

“A new transfer must be made to pay the premiums that have been introduced.”

Rudi Vervoort (PS)

Brussels Minister-President

“It has already been three weeks since any decision to grant bonuses has been issued,” laments Robin du Parc, CEO and founder of a bounty hunter, Primes-Services. “49 client files are still pending. Knowing that they alone represent 15% of Urban’s market share, with a low average of 21,000 euros per file, that’s regarding 1 million euros in premiums”, Robin du Parc cipher.

And knowing that Urban has benefited froma transfer of 6.6 million euros in July, this represents approximately 1/6th of the institution’s current envelope. “It is clear that the end of the year is going to be eventful at Urban and that the budget will quickly be at an impasse”, laments the bounty hunter.


millions of euros

This is the additional budget that was transferred to Urban in July 2023 for the payment of Renolution bonuses.

As a reminder, in 2023, the Brussels executive released a budget of 53 million euros for Renolution bonuses. Two institutions shared the envelope and the management of the granting and payment of these premiums: Brussels Environmentwhich handles requests relating to energy saving, has a budget of 42 million euros wheras’Urban, where more ambitious renovation projects are handled (extensions, projects with an architect, etc.), received 11 million euros.

“A new budget transfer”

But it is clear that this will not have been enough. A few weeks later, the budget is exhausted once more. “This first transfer made it possible to pay the premiums which were pending. A new transfer must be made to pay the premiums which have since been introduced. We are working to release the necessary means for this budgetary transfer”, explains the cabinet of the minister- Brussels President, Rudi Vervoort (PS).

“The payment of premiums is guaranteed until the end of 2023 on the Brussels-Environment side.”

Alain Maron (Eco-friendly)

Brussels Minister for Energy Transition

“Discussions are underway with Brussels Environment”, still indicates the socialist’s cabinet. In concrete terms, this means that discussions take place between the two administrations concerned to carry out a budget review and see if there are margins available on the Brussels Environment side. If so, transfers might take place to Urban. But if this is not enough, the Socialists will have to seek unused credits in their own skills, in housing for example.

How did we come to such an imbroglio? As a reminder, the Brussels majority agreement of 2019 provided for the integration of the bonus system so that citizens have a single entry point for energy and renovation bonuses. Although the creation of a one-stop shop and the harmonization of premiums have indeed taken place, the integration has not been complete. In the back office, there are always two different administrations and, de facto, two ministerial offices.

And it is on the side of Urban and Minister-President Rudi Vervoort (PS) that the problem lies, with insufficient amounts allocated this year in the face of increasing demand.

“The payment of premiums is guaranteed until the end of 2023 on the side of Brussels Environment”, reassures for its part the cabinet of the Brussels Minister of the Environment Alain Maron (Ecolo).

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