The bridge that will connect the indigenous community with the PY13 route in Caaguazú is underway

Asuncion, IP Agency.- The connection of the Isla Porã indigenous community with the PY13 route, in the department of Caaguazú, is progressing and will soon become a reality, through the construction of the reinforced concrete bridge in the Juan Sinforiano Bogarín colony, district of San Joaquín, whose execution is in the order of 30 percent.

The work, which began in April of this year, is currently focused on the foundation and construction of the abutments. The structure will consist of two sections of 6 metres each, totalling 12 metres in length. The work is expected to be completed by the end of March next year, with an execution period of approximately 9 months.

Initially a single lane, the design of the walkway contemplates the possibility of a future expansion to two lanes, depending on demand. Its importance lies in the direct impact on the quality of life of the Isla Porã community, by facilitating the crossing of a waterway that currently hinders the movement of residents, significantly improving their connectivity and access to essential services.

Coordinated actions

This initiative, developed in coordination with the Paraguayan Indigenous Institute (INDI), responds to a real need of the indigenous community and the area (Santo Domingo company). In addition to benefiting the inhabitants of Juan Sinforiano Bogarín, the project will also connect with the Tejas Cué community, expanding its positive impact in the region.

The work is being carried out by the company DC Ingeniería SA, the winner of the National Public Tender 418765 – MOPC Call No. 41/2022, which includes the construction of reinforced concrete and metal bridges in several departments of the country. The supervision is carried out by specialists from the Department of Bridges and Works of Art, dependent on the Directorate of Local Roads of the MOPC.

#bridge #connect #indigenous #community #PY13 #route #Caaguazú #underway
2024-09-03 12:52:23



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