The bridegroom’s house was sealed on the wedding day… The bride “carried her luggage and married over” net tears blessing: too moved | International | CTWANT

The new crown epidemic in mainland China is still spreading, and the authorities continue to increase epidemic prevention efforts. A newlywed couple in Tangshan is about to get married. After the bride wakes up on the big day, she finds that the bridegroom’s community has been sealed, but she is quite optimistic and plans to carry the luggage by herself. After getting married, after the news came out, many netizens were moved, “The meaning of the wedding is not in the form, but in the heart of loving each other and sticking to each other.”

According to comprehensive Lu media reports, the incident occurred on the 19th, the day of the wedding of a couple in Tangshan, but when the bride woke up, she learned that the groom’s house was sealed off, and she could not get out when she drove to the door. Faced with optimism, I plan to simply pack up, go to the groom’s house by myself, and say goodbye to the family.

The bride learned on her wedding day that the community where the groom lived was sealed off. (Photo / flip cover news)

It can be seen from the video that the couple wore the same red masks, and the two held hands tightly in line to wait for nucleic acid testing. When other people in the queue saw the couple, they gave way to them. After the news came to light, many netizens were moved, and they commented, “The meaning of weddings is not in the form, but in the heart of loving each other and sticking to each other”, “After the epidemic, there will be a grand wedding! I wish you a happy white head!”.

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