The bride of Alexei Bezus makes breasts, moving to Sochi

Tatyana Repina failed to fulfill her youthful dream and live in Moscow, riding like cheese in butter, selling on a promoted blog. But Aleksey Bezus did not deceive the girl either, having “made” her a child, on the project Tanya became a little more famous than she was, and immediately rushed to receive dividends from participating in the House 2 project. She redid her lips, pumped up fillers, received veneers by barter and ring on the ring finger.

And then the wave of interest in Bezus and Repina subsided. Intrigues regarding betrayals, scandals did not help, settlement of Vlad Dubrovsky third in a rented apartment, a beautiful daughter, hints of a return to Polyana and a second pregnancy. It became known that the bride of Alexei Bezus makes breasts, moving to Sochi. Also not bad, by the way, better than Gubkin.

In vain Repina worries, they will make her a bust on the track no worse than that of Christina Bukhynbalte, under the very collarbones. So talk regarding approaching second pregnancy were hype?

Alexey Bezus got another headache – a small child in his arms, moving, repairs and Tanya following the operation?



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