Thanks to the diversification of its products, the German manufacturer is achieving a higher level of turnover than before the health crisis.
Bosch now peaks at 78.8 billion euros. “The great diversification of the company in different sectors and regions has paid off once once more”, said Dr. Markus Forschner, member of the board of directors and chief financial officer of Robert Bosch GmbH. The Industrial Technology business area, for example, particularly benefited from the recovery of the mechanical engineering market and achieved a turnover of 6.1 billion euros. That’s a 20% increase.
Bosch forecasts global economic growth of between 4 and 4.5% in 2022, compared to around 5.5% in 2021, the fault of the ongoing health situation. In addition, the commodity crisis and the marked rise in inflation in many sectors might explain this more pessimistic forecast for 2022.
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