The bonus for public workers will be activated (+AMOUNT)

Bonus for public workers! According to the government’s schedule, bonuses for public employees are expected to be activated this week.

Through the Canal Patria Digital On Telegram, he reported that a review of the allocations of the Bonds and social programs is planned.

In this regard, the activation of the Bonus Against Economic War is expected for active personnel of the public administration.

Bonus for public workers

This financial contribution is made monthly through the Patria System’s digital wallet.

The delivery of this bonus will be carried out directly and gradually. Beneficiaries receive confirmation via text message through the short number 3532 and through the veMonedero application.

Bonus for public workers

Amounts of bonuses to public workers

Active workers will receive 90 dollars, the equivalent in bolivars according to the official rate of the Central Bank of Venezuela (BCV).

Last June, the Bonus Against Economic War was granted for 3,315.00 bolivars to public administration retirees.

While active pensioners received a payment of 3,280.00, while pensioners from IVSS and Amor Mayor received 1,640.00 or the equivalent of 45 dollars.

#bonus #public #workers #activated #AMOUNT
2024-08-14 14:52:59



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