The boiler that you are going to have in the future in your house works like a microwave

The heating It is one of the resources that we need during the winter because it allows us to obtain much greater comfort in our home. In this sense, when it comes to heating our house we can find many interesting alternatives such as condensing boilers, pellet stoves, etc. Although they all have important limitations and can considerably increase the energy consumption of our house.

That is why today we bring you another alternative that promises to be the future: microwave boilers. If you want to know more about them, how they work and all their advantages, continue reading.

This is the new system that promises to be a revolution in the world of boilers

There are many different types of systems that serve us to generate heat in our home, as can be the case with stoves, fireplaces and, of course, boilers. The latter being the most used alternative within a home.

Regarding boilers, when we go to buy one we can find different models of greater or lesser efficiency, although they all have clear limitations. But, recently, work is being done on a new type of boiler that aims to leave behind all the technology we have known up to now, generating a 0-emission system that is ideal for installing in any home.

We talk about the microwave boiler from British company Heat Wayv, a model designed to work with a type of technology similar to that used by microwaves. In this way, the boiler is designed for the progressive elimination of natural gas in newly built homes, which will be carried out in the United Kingdom from the year 2025.

This model will work like the usual boilers, only in this case it will use the same microwave technology to heat domestic hot water. Initially, several versions are intended to be made with different capacities to store water inside, the maximum being 280 litres. In addition, as with more traditional boilers, it will be connected to a system of pipes and radiators to help us provide heating throughout our home.

This is how the new microwave boiler works

The idea of ​​the company Heat Wayv is quite simple, basically it tries to take advantage of the advantages that current microwaves have, but in the field of heating and hot water. In this sense, what the boiler tank does is heat itself by electricity, which ggenerates microwave waves that make water vibrate and increase their temperature. Which, as you can see, does not imply the use of any additional fuel such as diesel or natural gas.

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Regarding its energy efficiency and despite the fact that it is still a prototype, its creators affirm that it is around 84% when it comes to transforming electric current into heat. Although later the system is capable of recovering an additional 12%, so the total energy yield is 96%. This implies one of the highest efficiencies on the market, although it is still below heat pumps, whose performance is even higher.

What then is the great advantage of this system? Its speed of operation It is one of the keys, since it is capable of preheating the temperature to 20-22 degrees and then raising it to 65 in a very short time, supplying it later to the entire house with a pressure of 9 liters per minute.

But, in addition, the type of system that it uses has another great advantage that we have previously mentioned, and that is the fact that does not emit any type of harmful gas into the atmosphere, something that helps us fight climate change. This also means that electricity consumption is reduced and that the time to obtain hot water is much shorter than what we can observe with other similar devices.

Finally, we can point out that it is a completely self-contained and easy to install, since it does not require placing an outdoor unit as in the case of heat pumps. In short, we can say that it is a most interesting option for heating our home, so it is important that we keep ourselves informed about how this technology is progressing.

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