The operation that began Tuesday night to extract organs and cornea of the body Augustine Fernández, the medical student who was beaten to death, finished well on Wednesday followingnoon, following which everything was arranged for her transfer to the city of The Pampawhere the 19-year-old girl was from.
Her parents also returned to La Pampa to watch over her and bury her.
“The only thing we hope now is that the real person responsible is found and justice is done to give comfort to the family, above all,” said the director of the local hospital, Claudia Muñoz.
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Anahi Cardena
About 10 doctors participated in the multi-organ operation, plus all the health personnel who took care of the logistics so that the work was effective and coordinated, since Tuesday night.
As planned, Muñoz explained that it was possible to save Agustina’s heart, her kidneys, a lung and her liver. Also corneas. “All the organs have already been transferred by the people of Cucai to Buenos Aires,” added the health authority, in dialogue with LMCipolletti.
The recipients are ready, but it is unknown for now what will be the fate of the organs donated by the murdered young woman, who in life expressed her desire to be a voluntary donor.
While her parents returned to the city of La Pampa, a crowd of people in the streets demanded security and justice for the young university student.
what was the march
The demonstration had as its starting point the Faculty of Medicine of the National University of Comahue, on Luis Toschi and Route 22, where the 19-year-old girl was following the race.
An act was held in that place, in which the victim’s teachers and classmates lamented the painful loss and demanded that the Justice discover and punish the perpetrator or perpetrators of the act.
The column, headed by a sign that identified the educational institution and with the presence of the rector Beatriz Gentile and the vice-rector Paul Osovnikar, then advanced through Toschi towards Plaza San Martín, where there was another large group of neighbors, since there had been summoned the rally.
Augustine March – referent of Not one less
From there they traveled the usual route through the central streets that is carried out in the protests, with stops at the headquarters of the Prosecutor’s Office, Yrigoyen and Villegas; then in the municipality and finally in the Fourth Police Station, where following expressing slogans for security and justice, a group that differed from the crowd lit a bonfire at the door and threw red paint on the front. The action generated an exchange of words with those who did not agree with carrying out this measure.
“It is not possible that you cannot walk freely in the streets. Impunity and oblivion is the worst punishment that a society can endure throughout its history,” said Gentile, and stressed that the commitment from now on will be “to do everything possible so that those responsible for these crimes” are punished.