The body found in the Tajo-Segura in Casas de Benítez showed no signs of criminality

Pending full identification and the results of the autopsy to be carried out, the Civil Guard has announced that the body found on Wednesday in the Tajo-Segura transfer canal, in the Cuenca town of Casas de Benítez, was between 30 and 35 years old and showed no signs of criminality.

According to sources from the Guardia Civil who spoke to Europa Press, the first hypotheses, pending confirmation, indicate that the person could be a temporary agricultural worker of foreign origin, but to be absolutely certain, identification by DNA or fingerprints will be necessary.

The body was found at 7.53 am near the municipality of Casas de Benítez, in the province of Cuenca, according to information provided by the 112 emergency service of Castilla-La Mancha. The body was rescued by firefighters from La Roda.



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