the black series scares even the government –

The Gabonese government has not been distracted. On Monday, he issued a press release announcing the suspension of passenger traffic on the Transgabonais following two successive derailments only 2 days after the resumption of traffic which had been interrupted for more than 3 months following a landslide which destroyed the railway line on about 900 m in December 2022.

« To prevent any worsening situation, the Government has decided to suspend passenger traffic “, Specifies the press release from the government of Alain Claude Bilie By Nze.

« This measure will be accompanied by a protocol established between the Gabonese State and SETRAG for a rapid resumption of passenger traffic. “, adds the text.

Indeed, the government recalls that while the first passenger trains were authorized to run on March 30, 2023, on the night of April 1 to 2, 2023, two train derailments occurred. This is the baggage car of passenger train No. 632, coming from Franceville, 3 km from Ndjolé station. No bodily or material damage was recorded.

The 2th derailment concerns empty freight train No. 5111, between Ivindo and Mouyabi stations where material damage was noted.

« These incidents reveal the need to carry out remedial actions relating simultaneously to the passenger train and the railway “, hits the government which has thus taken the prudential decision to suspend all passenger trains.

« However, rail traffic related to industrial, mining and freight activities will be maintained. “, conceded the government.

Paillat case law

On Thursday March 16, the Minister of Transport, Brice Constant Paillat resigned. His resignation followed the consequences of the sinking on March 9 of the ship Esther Miracle, the provisional toll of which is 124 survivors, 30 dead and 7 missing.

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The Prime Minister, Alain Claude Bilie By Nze nevertheless explained that his resigning minister is not directly responsible for this sinking but he drew the consequences of his moral responsibility.

The government, scalded by the disaster of the ship Esther Miracle, therefore struck a strong question of avoiding the Paillat case law in the event of a possible fatal derailment.

As for the Transgabonais, the populations are demanding an end to the patching up of the track and the rolling means dating from a fairly bygone period.

Antoine Relaxe

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